Find out why I’m so proud of Elliott :)
You've got to see this... Talk about improvement
You've got to see this... Talk about improvement
".........When I met with Dr. Reynolds on Monday night, there are some things discussed that I didn't share. I wasn't sure if I was going to either, until I realized that this wasn't anything that probably hadn't already been floating around in our heads anyway......." Read More
It's been an incredibly long and trying day. I'm so tired but I'm having on..
As Autism parents, we see the value and importance of the little things in life, that many others might take for granted... This is an example of of something that shouldn't be overlooked or underappreciated..
I know it sounds weird but I do worry about my kids when they aren't following their usual patterns... Here's way..
"....I got some of the best news I had in a very, very long time. This is so amazing and I couldn't be any happier..." Read More
When you're an Autism parent, you learn very early on that you will spend far too much time in a state of hurry up and wait.
".......There is only one major obstacle let in the day today. It's coming up and here's what's going down...." Read More