How helping others helps me to cope with being an #Autism parent

This may sound like it would be counterproductive, but one of the best ways to cope with the stress of being an Autism parent is to use your experience to help others. That's sound crazy right? I know it does but let me explain. When I first began my Autism parenting journey almost seventeen years ago, the stress was unbearable. I was on edge all the time and barely slept. I didn't know what to do and felt like I was completely lost in the dark, trying to find my way. I began blogging under the title Lost and Tired. It was basically a digital journal that helped me to process things. I could write about what I experienced or how I felt and walk away from it feeling lighter.…


The other shoe just dropped

Anytime we get even a tiny bit of good news, deep down inside, we're waiting for the other shoe to drop. There were three things that I needed to go well today. One was Gavin's lab work, another was Ruby's appointment and finally resolving whatever is causing problems with his Clozapine prescription. I'm not sure what to think about Gavin's labs (see Why good news doesn't always make me feel better), but Ruby's appointment went well (see The first solid piece of good news this week). The last thing has to do with Gavin's meds and that brings me to the other shoe that just dropped. There was a delivery of medications this afternoon and dispite being promised they would fill it, the pharmacy still didn't have Gavin's prescription ready.…


The first solid piece of good news this week

While I'm unsure of what to make in regards to Gavin labs, there is one piece of good news we know of for sure. Ruby's visit to the vet went very well. ☺ I didn't think it would go poorly but I wasn't sure how she was going to do while being poked and prodded by the vet. Little dogs can be assholes and not big fans of meeting new people. Ruby did awesome and never had to be muzzled. She's tipping the scales at a whopping 6.6 lbs. She's heartworm free and every other worm free as well. Her vaccines are up to date and we can begin planning for her surgery sometime in late March or early April. It's all good news as far as Ruby's concerned and…


Ruby goes into the vet today

We're about 110% sure that Ruby has worms. Rather than deal with it ourselves with OTC stuff from the pet store, we're just taking her in. She needs to be seen and get her shots for the year, as well as be checked out so she can get fixed next month. She just came out of being in heat and we have to wait at least 6 weeks before having her fixed. I'm really hoping she does well with the vet because tiny dogs can be difficult at times. Aside from the worms, she's doing fantastic. She's too cute for her own good but there are worse things in the world I suppose.. ☺  


#Autism Isn’t Anyone’s Fault

I remember the moment each one of my kids was diagnosed with Autism. It's permanently seared into my brain because these moments are among the most pivotal in my life. One of the things I remember most was how much guilt I felt as our Autism journey began. I felt like I had sentenced my kids to a life of misery because them having Autism was somehow my fault. That guilt ate me alive for a long time. Truth be told, there are still moments where that guilt pops back up, even after all these years. I wanted to take a minute and talk to the Autism parents of the world, especially those just starting this crazy, wonderful, confusing and overwhelming ride. Speaking from personal experience, and extensive contact with…


I suppose it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world

It's been an interesting and even pleasant evening. Tuesday night therapy went well for everyone and while the boys were a handful at bedtime, everyone's sleeping. Lizze went to a late night movie with her Mom and I ended up falling asleep one the couch before 10 PM. I slept clean through until Lizze got home a bit after midnight. She had a great time with her Mom and I had a really quiet evening alone, which is actually nice to have every once in a while.. ☺ There's a better than average chance that we're looking at a snowday this morning. The school had already been talking about this when I was picking the kids up yesterday afternoon. I suppose a snowday wouldnt be the worst thing in the…