We keep trying and that has to count for something, right?

So far, this is summer break has been pretty decent. We've been trying to spend as much time outside of the house as possible and because we can't spend that time in our yard, we have to find places to go. Money's tight but we're finding things to do that are either super cheap or even free. Last Friday, we took the kids to see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom as a surprise for Emmett's birthday, which is actually tomorrow (6/26/2008). It was a really awesome time and everyone had fun, especially Emmett. Lizze and I were so happy to be able to do this for both him and his brothers. ☺ We've spent a lot of time out at our local parks and we're trying to go walking every evening.…


The worst thing that 1 #Autism parent can do to another

I've been a voice in the Autism community for almost a decade. People have gravitated to me because I say what they're thinking without them having to say it. I don't judge those with differing opinions and I never force my views on anyone else. I love taking the pulse of the community by publishing polls designed to help people get a better understanding of what others in the community are experiencing. Someone had responded to one of my many polls by telling me that it was an awful question for me to ask. That awful question that was asked was Do you ever miss your life before Autism? Why shame me for asking it or others for answering it? Feel free to answer the poll below. [totalpoll id="46574"] The…


I haven’t written cause I’m not doing so well

It's been a couple days since I've published anything about anything. There are a few reasons for that. The main reason however, is that I'm not doing so well right now. I'm not sleeping and I'm not coping well with anything. I'm overwhelmed by all I have to figure out and there's very little I can do about it. There are bills and major medical worries crushing me. Gavin's still missing medication to replace the GAMMAGARD. They still haven't figured everything out and Monday will mark his second IVIG infusion in a row that he's missed. It's terrifying. The change to his Clozapine hasn't really helped with him sleeping too much during the day. We don't know what to do with that. I'm fighting back but I feel absolutely powerless.…


Best Gifts For Children That Aren’t Toys

No matter whether your child’s birthday is coming up or you want to reward him or her for great behavior, you may be looking for a gift that will impress. However, if your child already has too many toys (which, let’s face it, most children do!), you may want to find something different. Gifts that help with development yet are still a lot of fun will benefit both the parent and the child. So, let’s take a look at some of the best gifts for children that are not toys. https://images.pexels.com/photos/707193/pexels-photo-707193.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350 Garden toolkit – Most children love to copy what their parents are doing. Whenever you are gardening, does your little one want to take over? You try to explain to them that it is dangerous for them to use…

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I’m super excited about this

It's not too often that I can pull off an actual surprise. Between the financial hardship and my inability to keep a secret from my family, it's not easy. I've managed to somehow keep a secret from the boys and aside from Lizze, they don't know a thing. In the morning, we're taking the kids to see the new Jurassic World movie as an early surprise for Emmett's birthday on Tuesday. He's been wanting to see this since it was announced.. I'm super excited to surprise him and his brothers in the morning.


Day With Dad: How to Fit the Kids into Your Schedule

Link Let’s be honest about it, having a kid is never easy at the best of times, and having more than one can feel overwhelming! But, it is important to make time for our kids and to give them the interaction with both mommy and daddy. You play a big role in helping to shape your children’s futures, and the time you spend with them now is going to help shape the people they become. So, it is important that they get to enjoy a day out with dad, where they can hang with you, help you, and do things with you. Yes, it might be difficult to work this into your schedule, but there are certain things you can do that are going to help with this. Here are…


The #1 most important thing we need to balance as #Autism parents and it’s not what you think

One of the more difficult things an Autism family can deal with is going out in public. This has nothing to do with shame or being embarrassed. It has to do with not expecting more from a child then they are capable of. Kids and adults with Autism can often struggle from things like Sensory Processing Disorder and anxiety. These can make going anywhere, very difficult for them. As parents, we don't want to put our kids through anymore then we have to and so many times, we avoid going places. While that tends to make life easier in some ways, it makes it harder in others. I've said this a million times but when you're an Autism parent, problem solving is often very complicated. It's not easy to find…


3 extremely important updates you missed

I've been slacking off in the writing department lately and I apologize for that. In order to get everyone caught up on the last couple of days, there are 2 important updates to share. I'll begin with yesterday's emergency appointment with psychiatry. Gavin has been extremely lethargic for the last couple of weeks. We were pretty sure it was tied to his Clozapine (the antipsychotic used to treat his Schizophrenia) but since nothing has changed in over a year, it also didn't make sense. We met with his psychiatrist yesterday afternoon. After they heard what was going on, they got us in right away. Unfortunately, they were also about 2 hours behind and that sucked but on the bright side, we ran into one of Gavin's old friends and his…

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