The Good News – The Bad News – The MASSIVE Meltdown

Let's cut to the chase and get the good news out of the way. I'm really hoping to get back on track, as we make our way through the weekend. I have a great deal on my mind but I feel that things will be getting better. Hope is so fragile but even so, it's incredibly hard to completely snuff out. Just when you feel like all hope is lost, it can find its way back into your life. That's not a bad thing. ☺ There was a door that closed on me today and it sucks. At the same time, as a result of that door closing, another one opened and it feels sorta like a last minute reprieve. What happened doesn't really matter and maybe someday I'll share…


Dear #Autism Parents, I know how it feels

The stress level in the house is pretty high today. I'm not sure exactly what this high level of stress stems from because it's probably not one single thing. We're worried about Gavin's immunological issues, countless growup issues that we shield the kids from, and all the other things that go along with being a special needs family. While we're getting out of the house on day trips, Lizze and I haven't had a night to ourselves in a long time. Any parent can go crazy without time to themselves. As special needs parents, we almost never get time to ourselves and the extreme toll it takes on our physical/emotional well being is very real. Lizze and I are burning out. In our lives, there is simply too much to…


5 Things to Avoid When You’re Stressed

This is a contributed post and therefore may not represent the views /opinions of this blog or its author.  We all know that life can be stressful. From dealing with parenting issues to trying to stay on top of finances, life, these days, seems to always be one step ahead of us, and it’s not easy finding ways to keep up. The problem with stress is that it’s not enjoyable experience; obvious, yes, but true. And because it’s not enjoyable, we always want to find ways to get rid of it - but alas, we often look in the wrong places. Below, we take a look at five things that won’t help you - and which may indeed make your stress even worse. Source: Overthinking It’s easy to get into…

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He’s almost missed 3 in a row and I’m worried

We are very quickly approaching the Gavin hasn't had an IVIG Infusion in over a week time frame and that's making me exceptionally nervous. Since his first infusion all those years ago, he has never gone this long without one. He's never missed three in a row and tomorrow will mark the third missed infusion in a row. I'm going to follow-up today and see if there is anything at all, that I can do to move things along. Realistically there isn't anything I can do but I feel better asking anyway. I'm worried.


2 very important, but slightly delayed updates

I meant to share this eariler but frankly, it still isn't finalized and nothing has actually changed yet. That said, I finally heard back from Gavin's immunologist about the issues with his GAMMAGARD. They hadn't reached out because they were still trying to get everything approved. The got everything approved but insurance screwed up and approved the wrong pharmacy. You can't get these things at just any pharmacy. The pharmacy has to agree to certain terms and there's a lot of red tape. Approving the wrong pharmacy doesn't do us any good because everything is at our pharmacy. I don't know if that makes sense. Basically, insurance made a mistake and the doctor has not be able to reach them to get it fixed. Calls aren't being returned, at least…


My youngest just hit double digits

Our day was fairly nonstop and I didn't get a chance to post this eariler. Better late than never. Emmett turned 10 years old today and he had a great birthday. We try to plan far enough in advance that we can pull things off. Anyway, Emmett is obsessed with Nerf Guns and he got what he calls the ultimate Nerf Gun today. Apparently, we did good. We had a busy but mostly low key day. We decided to celebrate his birthday in the early afternoon. It was pretty simple but it made him happy and that always feels good. We had ice cream cake before he opened his birthday presents. There were a few appointments this afternoon but we were done about dinner time. I cooked a couple pizzas…


The countless reasons why my life as an #Autism Dad is so hard

As Autism parents, we all live in different worlds because Autism impacts our lives in very different ways. Some people have it pretty good and life is manageable, while others literally struggle to make it through each day. Many others fall somewhere in the middle. I fall into the category of struggling to make it through each day. I can't remember a day where I would sit back and say to myself, it was a really easy day today. In my life, easy days don't exist. I have an eighteen-year-old with the capacity of a five or six year old and that's anything but easy. Life isn't meant to be easy for anyone. If things are too easy, we can become complacent, and perhaps take things for granted. When things…


100 pictures from our amazing hike at @StarkParks Quail Hollow

I've been talking about how we want to make this a good summer for the kids. With a tight, sometimes nonexistent budget, we're limited to local things. Admittedly, I've been very discouraged by our limitations. I've felt demoralized and defeated but I at the same time, I can't give up because that would be letting my family down. Lizze and I have made a conscious decision to focus on what we can do rather than what we can't and that's something I feel good about. ☺ One of the things we can do are day trips. These are close to home but can be fun nonetheless. Today we took the kids to Quail Hollow Park. It used to be a State Park but was given to Stark County awhile back…