Nothing says it’s going to be a terrible day quite like a massive morning #meltdown

It's not a super fun morning once again. Emmett is not in a good mood, and the whole neighborhood is likely aware of it by now. I don't know what has him so upset, but I wish I did. I hate starting the day like this because it's stressful for everyone, especially the kid in question. Emmett's not trying to be disruptive. He's teetering on the edge of a meltdown. It's like he's fighting to maintain, but whatever is causing the distress keeps pushing him towards the edge. It sucks, and it's heartbreaking because when he's like this, you can't even talk to him. We have a busy day ahead of us, and I'm hoping we can make it through this and get the boys to school on time. There's…


Why we almost didn’t make it to school

We had a rough day in our house. It began in the morning and revolved around Emmett's new haircut. The previous night, Emmett had asked me to cut his hair really short. He said buzz cut. He's had it done in the past and loved it. Lizze was not too keen on the idea but supported it if it made Emmett happy. I cut his hair with a number five guard on, and it left his hair about one-quarter inch long. After it was done, he had buyers remorse. He flipped out and struggled even to fall asleep because he was so worried about his hair. He did eventually fall asleep and seemed to have accepted the change. However, he woke up this morning and refused to go to school…

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My #Autistic son did the most amazing thing today

Gavin was able to get his blood work done without any problems. In fact, I wanted to share something cool that Gavin did while he was there. It's no secret that Gavin is a creature of habit. He thrives on routine, especially for things that are scary for him like blood work. Today there was a new tech that Gavin had never met before, and instead of freaking out because of the change, he explained how he likes it done and let her draw his blood. Gavin likes the techs to count to three before sticking him and then warn him before taking the needle out. When he's done, he likes his arm wrapped in cling so he doesn't see the area the needle went into his arm. It's pretty…


One of the most independent things my #Autistic 19 year old does

I didn't sleep well last night, and my amazing wife was kind enough to take the kids to school so I could go back to sleep. ☺ 💙 When I did drag myself out of bed, I was able to get Gavin for his weekly blood work, and that's where I'm residing at the moment. Hopefully, he doesn't have a long wait. This weekly trip is one of the most independent things he does. I drop him off at the lab and wait in the car. We've been coming here for most of his life, and everyone adores him. He's able to sign himself in and answer some routine questions about traveling outside the country. When it's his turn, he goes back, gets his blood draw, and collects three suckers.…

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Each day we have left with her is a gift

Aside from some issues with Gavin this morning, I feel like we've had a pretty good day. After all the drama at the beginning of Gavin's IVIG infusion, it finished up without a single issue. Shortly after, we received a call from the school because Elliott had another nosebleed. He's been getting those recently, and I'm not sure what's going on, but we should probably call his doctor. Emmett was going through something similar this year, but it turned out to be his allergy medication. Once he stopped that, the nosebleeds stopped. Elliott's on the same medication, so perhaps that's the issue. These aren't uncontrollable nosebleeds, but they are happening a couple of times a week. He had one last Friday, and I ended up having to bring him home…


How the f**k was I supposed to know that?

It's been a really long weekend, and it wasn't always pleasant. Mother's Day was a mixed bag for several reasons, but ultimately, it ended on a high note. Lizze was missing her Grandmother, and it weighed heavy in her. 😔 That said, we had a nice dinner and even went to bed super early. The boys got off to school this morning without much trouble, and I went for my morning walk with Ruby. It rained the entire time, but we survived. ☺ Gavin's infusion went off without much of a hitch, at least the infusion itself. He struggled a bit this morning because he was very nervous about this infusion for some reason. Keep in mind, Gavin is one of the bravest human beings I've ever known. This kid…


As an #Autism parent, my son’s violent and aggressive behaviors are very concerning to me

The boys have been home about an hour or so, and I feel like we've already spent the sanity this break has allowed us to regenerate. Admittedly, it's still not much, but we were a bit saner before they arrived home. 😜 Drama ensued fairly quickly upon their return. The boys reported that Gavin had dropped what they referred to as an f-bomb. In other words, he said fuck. When we asked Gavin about this, he completely freaked out. He stomped down the steps, pointing at his brothers and screaming. It was a very aggressive and threatening reaction. I know Gavin wasn't going to hurt anyone, but that's beside the point. If Gavin reacts that way in public or when he's around people who don't know him, he would be…