UPDATE: A little bit about the neuropsychological testing and how things are going so far

I don't know if you're familiar with neuropsych testing, but here it is in a nutshell. According to my friends at the Cleveland Clinic, "a neuropsychological evaluation is a test to measure how well a person's brain is working. The abilities tested include reading, speaking, understanding, paying attention, and remembering." We've been here for about four hours so far, and I filled out paperwork when we first got here. Then there was a lengthy interview process with tons of more targeted questions. Gavin isn't able to really answer the kinds of questions being asked, but he was able to rattle off needed dates for a few things like it was nobody's business . 👍 Gavin was very preoccupied with having not eaten lunch, and the doctor said I could bring…


It’s going to be an incredibly long day and I’m already exhausted

I'm feeling incredibly overwhelmed right now. We made it to the Cleveland Clinic without any problems other than a minor detour. Gavin is checked in, and we're waiting our turn. The paperwork was a bit overwhelming because of Gavin's history being so extensive. It's a lot of information to squeeze into a tiny space, and I eventually gave up. They're going to go over everything again in our initial interview this afternoon anyway, so we'll clean that up then if need be. Gavin's in a really good mood, and he remembers being here previously. He also remembers how badly it went the last time. He feels that he's older now and should be able to handle these questions without much of a problem. I think that's a great attitude and…


It’s total chaos this morning

Today has turned into chaos. I had everything planned out, and we were going to be dropping the boys off at Lizze's parents before high tailing it to the Cleveland Clinic for Gavin's long afternoon of testing. Unfortunately, Lizze woke up super early this morning and was in excruciating pain. Nothing is helping, and she's in so much pain, that she's sick to her stomach. There's no way she can make the trip. We're running behind, the house has erupted into chaos, and I'm stressing out cause I hate doing these things alone. I'm very capable, but I don't like doing them alone. Lizze always has great insight, and with both of us there, we have the bases covered. I'm not mad at all. I'm just not excited about the…


Gavin has major testing today at the @ClevelandClinic

Today is a massive day for us. Gavin will be spending the day at the Cleveland Clinic for one of the most critical appointments he's had in a very long time. Gavin will be undergoing another round of neuropsych testing. It's been many, many years since he went through this battery of testing the first time and it's long overdue. It's very difficult to get in to have this done because they were booked out so far into the future. We also had insurance issues that indefinitely delayed things as well. Click here for previous posts on neuropsych testing and why it's important. Basically, Gavin will undergo hours of psych testing today. The purpose of this is to see where he is cognitively, as well as emotionally, and compare it…

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My 19-year-old #Autistic son has a touching moment with my grandmother

Gavin is my 19-year-old Autistic son. While he's 19 years old on the outside, he's about 5 or 6 years old on the inside. This presents many challenges for him, many I talk about on this blog. One of the significant challenges for Gavin is pretty much anything to do with emotion. He's always struggled with emotion, which isn't uncommon for people on the Autism Spectrum. Gavin has never been able to express himself easily, and that has led to frustration on his part but also our part as well. Autism is a complicated and misunderstood human condition. In Gavin's case, he also has schizophrenia as well and that further complicates things. He's often out of touch with reality and off fighting battles in another Universe where he's a superhero.…


Review: The Nixplay Iris Cloud Frame is a fantastic digital frame (@nixplaycloud)

At the time of writing this review, Father's Day is quickly approaching, and one of the coolest things you can give a Dad in this digital age is a digital picture frame. I've been a Dad for almost twenty years, and memories are something that I cherish. In my opinion, the best way to display those memories is with a digital picture frame. On the off chance that you are unfamiliar with digital frames, they're picture frames with an HD display built in. This display allows you to show countless pictures, without having to pull the frame down, remove and replace the photo. I've used tons of digital frames over the years, and the Nixplay Iris is a cloud frame and easily among the best I've used. I'm a tech-savvy…


This is a f*cking nightmare every week

It's Sunday, and we still have not been able to get Gavin's Clozapine refill. He has his bloodwork done every Wednesday morning, but the pharmacy either doesn't check for the labs, or they aren't sent to them in the first place. We end up waiting and waiting for the refill to come in. I set everything up so that there's a few days of overlap, and we have a backup supply as well. Timing is of the essence with Clozapine because he can't ever miss more than two doses. Lizze called again today, and they should have it ready in the morning. We still have his backup supply, so he's not missed anything. That being said, it's incredibly frustrating. There's so much red tape surrounding Clozapine, and it's a nightmare…


I’m fighting #Depression tonight

We had a pretty good day. I didn't make it to the park to go walking, but it's okay because I needed to rest instead. I use Biostrap to track my vitals, and it tracks tons of valuable information. It also lets you know when you've recovered from the previous day's workout, and when you need to rest. Friday I had a great day, but after a night of terrible sleep Friday night, Saturday wasn't so great. Frankly, my sleep wasn't the best on Friday either, but overall, I was in a much better place both physically and emotionally. ☺ Anyway, the whole point is that I didn't mind taking the day off from walking. Lizze wasn't doing so well and wasn't able to keep up with the boys. It…