General update and a new problem

We had a pretty good day blah blah blah... Check out the video of me talking to the boys about their day. I'm not trying to rush this but I want to get to something else before I'm too tired to finish this post. Moving on, we're having a new issue as of late and tonight makes the fourth night in a row. This issue is in regards to Elliott's new found inability to fall asleep at night.  This has been a very recent turn of events. He's had issues falling asleep on and off but this seems different. He's not able to fall asleep until well after midnight.  I'm not sure what's going on or what's changed but somethings definitely going on.  Lizze and I are sleeping in…


General Update: There’s been a change

I'm constantly looking to improve the user interface of this site. Being able to navigate things without struggle, is really important to a high traffic site.  With that said, I must announce a recent change that you may or may not have already noticed.  The commenting system is back to disqus. I hate changing commenting systems but I've and the toughest time with stability issues. The previous system that had been in place for a few months began deactivating itself.  When this happened, it left the wordpress native commenting system exposed and I didn't want that.  I don't know what the deal was but in the absence of a solution, I reverted back to disqus. The custom disqus plugin I use has been recently updated and seems to be working…


I’ve put myself in grownup timeout

It's not going to be named easy morning. Neither Elliott or Emmett are cooperating in regards to getting ready for school today.  Emmett's freaking out because he has a field trip and he has to wear his shoes and socks if he wants to go. He wants to go but the shoes and socks thing is major obstacle.  Elliott on the other hand, won't even get out of bed.  We have places to be this morning and I'm already frustrated beyond belief. I've put myself in grownup timeout, in order to collect myself.  Thank God Gavin's having a good morning... 


Why I ask about my kids day at school before we get home

I was able to enjoy some me time again today, while waiting for Elliott to be dismissed from school. I played some ambient noise in the car and caught up on the news.  I didn't get much writing done but I did get to sorta zone out for a little bit.  Elliott is usually one of the first kids out the door when the school day ends and I'm always the first in line for parent pickup.  One of the things I always do is ask the boys about their day before we get home. I'm looking for how their day went, did they experience any problems and if they enjoyed their lunch.  On Monday's, I ask about homework and things like that.  I prefer to do this before we…


Here’s some exciting news

I just wanted to take a second and share a bit of exciting news.  I've been working really hard to get this blog back to where Lost and Tired was, prior to retiring it. It's been a long journey and I've struggled quite a bit. I'll probably continue to struggle at times as I continue to move forward.  Having said that, things have begun to pick up and while some of these things have no impact on income, in many ways they're better.  I'm booked for several different podcasts in the coming weeks. There's been several interview and partnership requests as well. I've even received some writing offers. I can't go into more detail than this at the moment but I'll definitely share when I have more information.  All the…


How we handle one of our kids with #Autism being home from school

It was a rough night but I did get some sleep and so did Elliott. Having said that, we had Mr. Emmett throw a wrench into our plans today because he woke up not feeling good.  Emmett loves school and so faking an illness to stay home isn't his thing.  His stomach was upset and there was no getting him to do anything. Lizze and I kept him home because we didn't know what else to do. It's really frustrating because Emmett struggles with expressive language in a very big way. Gaining insight into what he's experiencing is no easy task.  Sometimes we can only step back and look at everything as a whole, making a decision based on our best guess.  Emmett's home from school and when one of…


Why this Dad is sleeping on the couch tonight

Let me tell you about my favorite way to start the new week. By favorite I mean the absolutely worst way to begin the week cause it sets a tone that seems to follow me through the rest of it.  Picture this, the boys are in bed, and I just hit the Walgreens to pick up a gallon of milk and some ice cream. It's Sunday and that means Lizze and I plan on being parked on the couch, killing time until Last Week Tonight begins at 11pm. This is our Sunday ritual and the way we say goodbye to the weekend and hello to the week ahead.  Unfortunately, on this Sunday, Mr. Elliott decides he's not going to be able to fall asleep. Did he plan this out because…