My kids with #Autism are terrible when they’re sick lol

I hate when my kids are sick. I don't like them having to go through that and they are really terrible sick kids.  When I say really terrible sick kids, I mean they are miserable and make everyone around them miserable. I'm talking super cranky, very difficult and quite prone to massive meltdowns.  Having said that, it's not their fault and my heart goes out to them. I provide them with every comfort I can but that doesn't mean they don't still drive me crazy.  I'm pretty frustrated with my whiny, bickering and disagreeable sick kiddos today. Lol Sensory issues are ramped up and they are so sensitive to absolutely everything. I give them patience, until I'm almost out and ready to run off and join the circus.  It doesn't…


Plan for the worst and hope for the best

Our three day weekend has officially turned into what will soon be a four day weekend. Both boys still have fevers and Emmett has a very upset stomach as well.  I checked Gavin, just to be safe and he's teetering on the edge of a low grade fever himself, although he says he feels fine.  Lizze has had a pretty good day thus far. I woke her up about 7:30am and asked her to trade off for a little while, so I could sleep in bed for a bit. I woke up after a few hours and she was still doing well. ☺  She's sleeping now, as is Gavin and I'm managing the sick kiddos with movies and gingerale for now.  I already called the school and reported them off…


Why the boys will NOT be in school tomorrow 

The boys are in their own beds, at least for now. Bedtime didn't go so well tonight because both boys are starting to feel under the weather again and were not in a good mood.  Emmett was especially argumentative and rather explosive.  For now, they're both in bed but I'm not sure how long that's going to last.  We did setup the humidifier in their room and hopefully, that will help with the cough. As long as they fall asleep and stay asleep, I should be able to sleep in my own bed tonight.. ☺  School is already off the menu for tomorrow because of the fevers....  Hopefully, the boys will be feeling better tomorrow and can return to school on Tuesday. 


Why I’m worried about my wife

I don't talk publicly about my wife much since the reconciliation and I thinks that's just out of habit. It's something I aim to correct because obviously she's a very important part of this journey.  That being said, I'm worried about her.  The last few days, she's been beyond exhausted. I'm talking physically unable to stay awake. While being tired is related to both medications and physical health issues, this is pretty extreme.  There are times where she's okay and moving around but most of the last few days have been spent sleeping.  On the positive side, she recognizes that something's not right.  Sometimes, people can be too close to whatever is going on to see what's happening.  Unfortunately, we don't really know where to start. Much like Gavin, her…


Sh!t: It’s just turned into a three day weekend

Like and idiot tempting fate, I took Emmett's temperature. Now he's running a fever of 102.1°F and is unbelievably grouchy. I'm being forced to accept that what was a traditional two day weekend, has morphed into a three day weekend at the very least.  I'm not gonna lie here, I'm a bit stressed out because I wasn't able to really relax at all this weekend, cause I've been dealing with sick kids. I haven't even been able to sleep in my own bed.. 🙁  Part of me is debating on giving Gavin his IVIG infusion tonight. That would be a day early but the last thing we need is for him to get sick as well. 


Sh!t: It’s just turned into a three day weekend

Like and idiot tempting fate, I took Emmett's temperature. Now he's running a fever of 102.1°F and is unbelievably grouchy. I'm being forced to accept that what was a traditional two day weekend, has morphed into a three day weekend at the very least.  I'm not gonna lie here, I'm a bit stressed out because I wasn't able to really relax at all this weekend, cause I've been dealing with sick kids. I haven't even been able to sleep in my own bed.. 🙁  Part of me is debating on giving Gavin his IVIG infusion tonight. That would be a day early but the last thing we need is for him to get sick as well. 


Guess how many sick kids I have this afternoon

The boys have arrived home this afternoon and Emmett came back with more than what we sent him with, a cough... 🙁  Outside of what he describes as a painful cough, he's in good spirits, as is Elliott. Unfortunately, the reality is such that they will feel better touring the day but absolutely shitty at night and in the morning.  Then of course, there's the fighting. Elliott and Emmett are already fighting. I'm going to have to make them rest today because we want to try and keep them from getting any worse.  What's in the agenda for today? Lots of rest, hydration and driving Daddy crazy.. 


Guess how many sick kids I have this afternoon

The boys have arrived home this afternoon and Emmett came back with more than what we sent him with, a cough... 🙁  Outside of what he describes as a painful cough, he's in good spirits, as is Elliott. Unfortunately, the reality is such that they will feel better touring the day but absolutely shitty at night and in the morning.  Then of course, there's the fighting. Elliott and Emmett are already fighting. I'm going to have to make them rest today because we want to try and keep them from getting any worse.  What's in the agenda for today? Lots of rest, hydration and driving Daddy crazy..