Navigating Divorce with Neurodivergent Kids pt 1 (S8E05)

Divorce is never easy, and when neurodivergent children are involved, the challenges can be even more complex. In this episode, I open up about my own divorce for the first time and discuss how it has affected me as a parent. My kids will also be sharing their experiences in future episodes because they deserve a voice in this conversation. Joining me today is Dr. Mikki Lee, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist with extensive experience working with neurodivergent children and their families. Together, we explore the unique challenges of co-parenting neurodivergent kids, the importance of routine and consistency, and strategies to help families navigate transitions with less trauma and more stability. This is Part 1 of a two-part series. Next week, we’ll be answering your questions about…


You Are Allowed to Feel This Way: A Message to Parents of Kids with Disabilities

Parenting is hard, period. But parenting a child with disabilities? It’s a whole other level. I’ve been on this journey for 23 years, raising three autistic kids, two with ADHD, and my oldest with fragile health. I’ve seen it all—exhaustion, frustration, anger, sadness, joy, loneliness, and everything in between. If no one has told you this today: it’s okay to feel all those things. You are allowed to be exhausted. You’re allowed to be frustrated, angry, or even jealous of families who seem to have it easier. You’re allowed to want to run away and join the circus—trust me, I’ve considered it many times over the years. It doesn’t make you a bad parent. It doesn’t make your child a bad kid. It just means you’re human. Give Yourself Permission…


Don’t Let Anyone Tell You What Your Autistic Kids Can’t Do

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You What Your Autistic Kids Can’t Do Sometimes, people try to tell us what our kids can’t do. But let me tell you—don’t ever let anyone set those limits for them. Recently, I got an unexpected and somewhat exasperated call from my 25-year-old autistic son, Gavin, who has been making huge strides toward independence since he moved out this past summer. If you’re a parent of an autistic individual or navigating independent living for autistic adults, I hope Gavin’s journey encourages you to believe in what’s possible. My Son’s Journey Toward Independence as an Autistic Adult Gavin has been holding down his first job for over a year and a half, but recently, he ran into a hurdle. His hours were cut—not because of anything…


Webinar Replay: Helping Your Child with Autism Transition into Adulthood

Navigating the path to adulthood with a child on the autism spectrum can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, parents don’t have to take this journey alone. Recently, Action Behavior Centers hosted an exclusive webinar to provide autism parents and caregivers with practical tools and insights for supporting their children as they transition into adulthood. If you missed the live session, you can now access the full replay to catch up on all the valuable information shared.

Read more about the article Innovative Tools for Autism
Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on

Innovative Tools for Autism

Raising kids with autism is anything but easy, especially if you’re not autistic yourself or if your own support needs are vastly different from what your children require. Even when you are autistic, having that insight doesn’t always mean you automatically know how to parent your kids in the way they need. And if you’re not on the spectrum, the challenge can feel even greater, as you have to unlearn much of what you know about parenting to build the skills that will truly help your child thrive. Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on The reality is, no matter who you are, parenting autistic children is a tough journey. But it doesn’t have to feel impossible. Today, we have access to so many innovative tools designed to help our…


Understanding Wandering in Autism and Dementia: Risks, Reasons, and Prevention Tips

Wandering, also known as elopement, is a significant concern within the autism community and among individuals with dementia and other disabilities. This behavior involves individuals leaving a safe environment without notice, often leading to dangerous situations. Understanding the risks, reasons, and preventive measures associated with wandering can help families and caregivers manage this behavior more effectively.


Tips for Busy Families to Achieve Balanced Nutrition and Optimal Health

Tips for Busy Families to Achieve Balanced Nutrition and Optimal Health Taking healthy meals and achieving our nutritional goals mostly help in balancing our nutrient needs and must remain a central and achievable goal in today’s busy everyday lifestyle, particularly for families.  Nevertheless, by applying appropriate tactics and having the necessary understanding of crucial elements like Vitamin B complex, it is potentially possible to manage a proper diet, meeting the principles of healthy nutrition, and not hampering the time or convenience factor. These tips and information that were used in this article are timely, especially for households, and proper attention to the Vitamin B complex and identification of Vitamin B foods that enrich the bodies with Vitamins. Importance of Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B complex refers to a group of…