The biggest worry my kids with #Autism have about our upcoming trip

One of the biggest concerns we have about leaving for so long is in regards to our ferrets. We know that cat will be fine and Maggie is being boarded. The ferrets however, are very social animals and need that social interaction in order to be happy. They have each other but having to stay in their cage for ten plus days is not in their best interest. We could out them into their pen but Lemme escapes within seconds of being in there. She's escaped every single setup we've thrown at her. It would be incredibly impressive if it weren't so frustrating. She's the only reason we can't leave them in the pen while we're gone. The best option is to build a custom cage that is both large…


Everything is quiet

Everyone is relatively quiet today. I'm not sure what's going on but it's really nice to exist in relative quiet sometimes. I can hear myself think and it greatly reduces my immediate stress. No one's complaining and they seem content doing their own thing. Gavin's in his room, Emmett's is his own room, Lizze is sleeping and Elliott is watching Pokémon in the living room. Now that I'm feeling better, I want to scrub the kitchen floor and clean the bathroom. Those are my big goals for today and with any luck, I meet those goals before I call it a night. ☺


The last 12 hours have been rough

The last twelve hours have been pretty rough for me. Something I ate yesterday is not agreeing with me. My stomach is still upset and feels like it's cursing me out. I went to bed early last night and was hoping to feel better in the morning but that wasn't the case. I had been looking forward to working a job with my Dad this morning, just like we used to. There just wasn't a chance I was leaving my bed. To make things a bit more unfortunate, I've had the fucking hiccups for about the thirty minutes. Have you ever been nauseated and had the hiccups at the same time? Trust me, it's unpleasant. I'm hoping that resting will bring about the light at the end of this particular…


3 – 2 – 1—Meltdown

Emmett had a pretty rough morning today. He was really upset about his inability to wear different shirts because of how they feel on him. He's been wearing the same shirt to school every day because it's the only shirt that doesn't bother him. We of course wash it all the time, and cleared this with the school on the first day. It's more important that he get to school, even in his pug shirt, than miss school because of sensory related clothing issues. Apparently his teacher said something to him yesterday about always wearing the same shirt, and Emmett walked away feeling heavily pressured to wear a different shirt today. My guess is that she simply made a comment about wearing the shirt for picture day, which was yesterday.…


Have you seen Ohio’s new attendance policy? You’d better have a look

The idea of this post is to help you become aware of changes to the way the State of Ohio is handling school attendance. It begins this school year and so if you've not seen it yet, you would be best served if you take gander below. I've included the letter we received from our school, as well as the bill itself. I haven't had a chance to really dig into this yet, so if anyone wants to explain the changes, please do so in the comments below. I'm sure many of us would appreciate it. [foogallery id="65693"]


It’s not the best solution but it’s the one that will work

Now that the actual logistics of our trip have been worked out, for the most part anyway, all we have left are the things on our end. There are quite a few things that I need to pull together before we can leave and unfortunately, I can't make those happen until the morning we are supposed to be leaving. Having never been on vacation, we don't own any luggage Everyone needs a few new sets of clothes Emmett needs shoes cause crocs won't work with all the walking were going to do Maggie needs a new collar Snacks for the drive down Sunscreen, hats and sun glasses for everyone Still waiting on GPS trackers to arrive for the boys (safety is very important) Haircuts for the boys State ID's for…


Things I’m doing to be ready for @VivintHome tomorrow

We've made some good progress on the house. We still have a ways to go but we should be ready in time for Vivint to arrive for our appointment tomorrow. There are a few things that we need to make sure are done, prior to the techs arrival. The biggest is that they have clear access to everything they need to work on. This means access to all monitored windows and doors. We need to make sure that the tech can get into the basement, as well as everywhere we have cameras, smoke alarms, CO2, flood and freeze detectors. One of the bigger things we were going to do was add the additional outdoor camera. Unfortunately, while Gavin and I were prepping the location, we stumbled across a hornet nest.…


Why Gavin having his wish granted is heartbreaking for me as his Dad

By now most of you know that Gavin is having his wish granted by an amazing organization called Wishes Can Happen. He qualifies for this because he's living with life threatening health conditions. This opportunity is probably one of the biggest things to ever happen to my family and Gavin absolutely deserves this. Every time someone hears about this, their response is usually along the lines of that's so amazing or he's so lucky. I've even heard things like what a blessing and what a great opportunity. None of those things are wrong. It is an amazing opportunity and we do consider it a blessing that this has been made available to Gavin. I don't take offense to the well intentioned affirmations but I want to make clear that this…