It was a crazy evening but a good one as well

Assuming the weather isn't going to be as bad as they are predicting, the boys will. Be returning back to school in the morning. I'm kinda thinking that -20°F windchill might earn them a snowday but we'll have to see. This week is pretty much shot as far as routine goes but I'm looking forward to Monday when our routine will be in full effect. We had an interesting night. Lizze was with my Mom, sisters and sisters in law, planning a baby shower for most of the evening. Apparently that's fun cause she really enjoyed herself, which is good. ☺ The boys and I dropped her off at my parents before hitting the bank. After that, we had to make a return to Best Buy and I let the…


It’s Never Too Late To Have A Family

This is a collaborative post Humans are very privileged to live in a world of ever-evolving scientific research. We are constantly making progress around the globe in medicine and methods of surgery. Pioneering medical breakthroughs are making regular news, with everything from conjoined twins being successfully separated, to this heart in a box that is still beating without being connected to a living body. It’s something to be in awe of, the way we have come far enough as a race to be crediting medical advancement to the fact we are living longer and healthier than ever. There is one area of life that has been under the microscope – quite literally – for medical advancement, and that is family planning.mage Source Men and women - both gay and straight…

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Introducing the newest member to our family

Over the Christmas holiday, we added a member to our family. Her name is Ruby and she's a two year old Chorkie. We've always had two dogs and we've only had Maggie since having to rehome Bella, our Boxer because she became extremely aggressive with Maggie. We had no choice, because the dog fighting was getting really bad and it had become dangerous for the kids. We tried everything to avoid having to rehome her but nothing helped. It was heartbreaking because we'd had her for a few years without a single problem. One day, she decided that she wanted to be the dominant female and began challenging Maggie. This was totally a massive personality shift for Bella and these fights were always provoked by her. They always ended bloody…


It’s so import to connect with your kids

I spent the early part of the morning working on some writing gigs. The second and most fun part of the morning was spent playing Connect Four with my tiniest little minion Emmett. We must have played twenty games. Some were won and many others lost because Emmett is freakishly good with anything related to patterns. He's legitimately hard to beat when it comes to anything like this. Win or lose, we had so much fun playing together. It's really important to me that I go out of my way to connect with my kids. Sometimes it's harder to connect with kids on the Autism Spectrum and that's one of the reasons it's so important to meet them wherever they are. For me today, that meant playing endless games of…


Seven Infant Care Challenges You Are Probably Not Prepared For

This is a collaborative post When you are expecting a baby, you try to be prepared for everything. There's more to worry about than just picking out a good infant car seat. You need to stock up on baby lotion, powder, and get all the accessories, including the bath, baby mobile, crib, and of course, purchase a car seat. However, there are some common skin conditions, allergies, and health issues your baby is likely to suffer from in the first few weeks that you need to be prepared for if you would like your little one and family members to get a good night’s sleep. Find out more about the most common conditions and parenting challenges below. 1. Chronic Colic If your baby feels bloated and cannot digest milk or…

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This is what we learned at The Cole Eye Institute today

It's been an exhausting day full of walking, waiting and driving. Gavin's final appointment of the day was at The Cole Eye Institute this afternoon. The appointment went well but it took forever. I honestly felt like we had been forgotten. The good news is that Gavin's eye checked out and they are basically perfect. The bad news is that we still don't know for sure why he's having visual blackouts. The current theory is that these blackouts are caused by migraines. Everything else has been looked at and aside from the pending EEG results, we've eliminated every other possibility. Until we find anything else, we're going with migraines for now. Appointments like these are maddening because all we want are answers and all we end up getting are more…


His EEG is done and Gavin is in good spirits

Gavin's appointment with the Adult Epilepsy Central at the Cleveland Clinic went as well as could be expected. His EEG went fine physically but we won't have any results back until later this week. They did seem to take note of abnormalities but there was nothing I could pick up on for sure. If this has been an EKG, I'd be all over it but I can't read EEG's. Gavin was really cooperative and made lots of awkward attempts to engage the techs in conversation. 😁 I think they really enjoyed working with him because Gavin was so polite and courteous the entire time. EEG's are not comfortable, especially for someone on the Autism Spectrum, dealing with several Sensory Processing Disorder. I was told to call back if I haven't…


We made it to the Adult #Epilepsy Center at the @ClevelandClinic

We finally made it to the Adult Epilepsy Center at the Cleveland Clinic. Traffic sucked and the weather got worse the farther north we went. Gavin didn't have any problems on the way up, he just chilled in the back seat listening to music the whole way up. Not only did we make it but we made it a few minutes early. ☺ Gavin's feeling okay and that will make today that much easier. We have a lot of walking to do and if he wasn't doing well, the walk would be too much for him. We are currently waiting to go back for his EEG. Praying everything goes smoothly.