It’s been a really rough day and I’m praying for a better one tomorrow

As a special needs family, we are no stranger to bad days. Even our best days are exceptionally challenging. Today was not a good day for about a million reasons and I barely survived it. I'm hoping that things are better today and I can get us moving forward once again. I'll try and catch everyone up later on today when I'm feeling better. At the moment, I'm going to crash for the night because I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm praying for a better day..


Getting kicked in the ass by withdrawal symptoms again

The last day or so, I've been feeling better. Tomorrow makes two full weeks since I took my last dose of Paxil. It's been a mixed bag of absolute misery and somewhat survivable. Yesterday I was doing really well and thought I was finally at the tail end of this shit but I was wrong. I've been struggling with emotions today and feeling nauseated. I don't want to eat anything or even think about eating anything. I was supposed to see my doctor on Tuesday but that got bumped because Emmett needed to see his pediatrician. Like I said, I was feeling better and I thought I was past it. With any luck, this is just a minor setback...


Emmett returned to school this morning

Just a quick update to share that Emmett made it back to school today. He missed all last week, as well as Monday and Tuesday of this week due to tummy aches. He's feeling better today and was super excited to return. It's easy to assume that Emmett is trying to manipulate his way out of school by claiming tummy aches. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Not a single person who actually knows Emmett in real life thinks that's what's happening. Emmett loves school and hates when he misses. At the same time, he's been miserable enough that he wanted to stay home and rest. He was really happy to be back today and frankly, we were happy to send him. There was talk of there being a…


You can attack me but my family is OFF LIMITS

It's not that often that I must make a public statement in regards to being attacked. As you are aware, I've had a Facebook stalker for quite some time. I know who this person is but can't prove anything on my end. Facebook would be able to prove it if there was actually recourse for being harassed in this manner. Since my Facebook profile has been verified, I haven't had any issues with my posts being reported and my url blocked. Unfortunately, this person has now moved onto harassing my wife. Lizze runs her own blog at At some point last night, her url became blacklisted or blocked by Facebook, because it's been reported as violating Facebook's community guidelines. This is the same thing that I've been battling since…


It all happens at noon today

It's already been a hectic morning but I did receive the call I've been waiting on from Emmett's pediatrician. The long and short of things is that Emmett will be seen at noon today. Lizze and I dropping Gavin off with my Mom on the way. We can't risk exposing Gavin to whatever bugs are floating around the pediatrician's office. Hopefully, we'll learn some ways of helping him to feel better. I can see us getting a referral to Gastroenterology, which wouldn't be a bad idea. I don't know how excited Emmett's going to be about going to the doctors but there's no choice st this point. He's missing way too much school and besides that, he's absolutely miserable. I'm looking forward to this appointment because I really worry about…

Read more about the article Received these the other day from @sashkaco just in time for #Autism Awareness month
Received these the other day from @sashka_co, just in time for Awareness month. Some of these will be donated to the my kids school to help raise funds for the students. This is a school for kids with Autism.. Thank you @sashka_co

Received these the other day from @sashkaco just in time for #Autism Awareness month

Received these the other day from Sashkaco, just in time for Awareness month. Some of these will be donated to the my kids school to help raise funds for the students. This is a school for kids with Autism and the funds raised at the next family night will go to a special event for the kids at the end of the year. These kids work so hard and they deserve to just be kids for a little while. These are amazingly handcrafted and by skilled artisans in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. Each purchase helps to empower these women to rise above poverty through fair trade. The bracelets are absolutely gorgeous and I have absolutely no idea how they build these because I can't find a single seam. They…


Hopefully this is a step in the right direction

Emmett didn't make it to school today again, because he's not feeling well. I've been running around this morning but I've got a minute to publish an update before I go walking. Elliott got to school on time and without issue. Gavin's bloodwork was drawn and we are waiting for his numbers to come back. I'm unsure of where we stand in regards to his numbers right now, so I'm a bit nervous for those results. Gavin's becoming increasingly frustrating to work with on his IVIG infusions because he wants things done a certain way but unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. There's some flexibility within the IVIG infusion process but there are fundamental parts that include zero amounts of wiggles room. That being said, once his infusion was started,…


I don’t know what to do anymore

This post was meant to publish last night but I ended up falling asleep. At this point I'm unsure of what we will be doing with Emmett today. I'm hoping to get him into the doctors if he's still not feeling well when he wakes up. The poor kid was up until almost 1 AM. What I do know for sure, is that our morning is busy already. Gavin will need his IVIG infusion first thing in the morning. He will also need his bloodwork done immediately after dropping the boys off at school. I'm really, really hoping that Emmett is feeling better and that he makes it to school. He's been keeping up with his makeup work and that's helps to keep him current. Regardless of how he's feeling…