Read more about the article This is the current view from my front window
This is the current view from my front window Thought I would share my literal point of view right now. This is what I see as I look out my front window.

This is the current view from my front window

This is the current view from my front window Thought I would share my literal point of view right now. This is what I see as I look out my front window. Nothing spectacular but it's sometimes interesting to see life from someone else's perspective. ☺

Read more about the article It’s still dark and gloomy out at the moment
It's still dark and gloomy out at the moment Snapped this and it's a little depressing to see how dark and gloomy things are still. Life is beginning to reclaim everything once again but Spring has a great deal of catching up to do...

It’s still dark and gloomy out at the moment

It's still dark and gloomy out at the moment Snapped this and it's a little depressing to see how dark and gloomy things are still. Life is beginning to reclaim everything once again but Spring has a great deal of catching up to do...


The sweet story behind this thermos

This may look like an ordinary thermos, sitting on my nightstand but it's not, at least not tonight. After I got home from taking Elliott to his last day of physical therapy, I wasn't feeling well. Lunch wasn't agreeing with me and I needed to lay down in order to make it through the nausea. I woke up after a little while because Emmett had quietly snuck into my room, rubbed my back for a minute and placed this thermos on my nightstand. He explained to me that he knew my stomach was upset and so he made me some ginger tea because it knows that can help with nausea. That was so incredibly thoughtful and sweet of him. Lizze and I have clearly done something right along the way..…

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We have serious rules when spending time outside in our neighborhood

The boys and I spent some time outside this afternoon, cleaning up the yard. The neighborhood has been relatively quiet recently and so we felt comfortable enough to do this. We do have to have some serious rules in place, when it comes to being outside in our neighborhood. If I say that get in the house, they do so immediately and without question. We have also told them to never talk to anyone who approaches the yard unless it's one of our neighbors or the police. This was important today because we had a know addict approach us twice for money. After awhile, we get to know the faces of the people looking for money to score drugs. Sometimes we see them get arrested and other times, they flat…


It’s getting harder to cope

I'm having a harder time coping with Gavin lately. God forgive me but he's driving me fucking crazy and I simply don't have the patience he deserves to receive from me. It's important to understand that Gavin's isn't necessarily doing anything wrong. He's just being Gavin. The emotions I'm experiencing in regards to coping is probably two fold. It's part frustration because Gavin's functioning at maybe fifty percent of what he was, say two years ago. The other part is pure, unadulterated heartache because he's only functioning at maybe fifty percent of where he was two years ago. The frustration and heartache are very real. They are very, very impactful emotions, that are at odds with each other. I find myself frustrated by his behaviors and exhausted by how difficult…