I desperately need to vent

This is one of those posts where I will completely open up and share things that are going on in my life that have me feeling the way I'm feel this morning. This is only meant to provide insight and context. These are just some of the many things weighing on me thus morning. I'm just venting and I haven't even proofed the post. Please forgive the wordy mess but it needed to come out. I woke up this morning feeling nauseated again because that's been the status quo for the most part since taking my last dose of Paxil almost a month ago now. The journey to get off of Paxil has been horrible and took over ninety days to complete. I learned the hard way, just how horrible…


Phenomenal Daddy-Daughter Bonding Activities For 2018

This is a collaborative post and therefore may not represent the views and opinions of this blog or its author.   Sometimes as a family, it can be really easy to settle into two groups, the boys, and the girls. This can work perfectly well most of the time too. However, it is a good idea to switch things up a bit now and again. Otherwise, both you and your little ones can end up missing out on some valuable experiences both regarding gender roles and developing that connection with their other parent. Something that is vital for a healthy family dynamic and building good relationships later on. With that in mind keep reading for some suggestions on what to do for those all-important daddy-daughter bonding days.   Theme park…


#Autism breaks my heart in more ways than I can explain

Autism is one of those human conditions that impacts every person touched by it in a different way. Sometimes those differences are not so big and other times those differences can be so profound, that you may wonder how they can all fit underneath the umbrella known as Autism.. Each of our three kids is impacted in different ways by Autism. Gavin is easily the most profoundly impacted though. Gavin has an extremely rare form of Autism called Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. There's almost no research or support for this blacksheep of the Autism Spectrum family. Most people haven't even heard of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder or CDD. Unfortunately, CDD is absolutely devastating and based on what little is known about this disintegrative disorder, there is never a good outcome. The reason…


I think I did okay

I took Elliott and Emmett clothes shopping on Friday. I've always been a hands on Dad and been extremely involved in the day to day things with the kids. Shopping is relatively new for me. I took the boys to Sears and got Elliott three pairs of pants, three shirts and a jacket. Emmett got three pairs of pants, a jacket and I got a new pair of jeans. The total was just under $160.. Does that sound like a decent deal? If I got ripped off, don't tell me.. ☺


You will need to register again

I migrated to a new server and for security reasons, I purged my user database. There were too many fake users and can be problematic. I apologize for the inconvenience but it's in everyone's best interest to do this. You can easily register via Facebook. ☺ Thank you for your understanding.


@VivintHome is giving away 4 free SmartHome systems in honor of #Autism Awareness month

I wanted to take a second and share something really amazing that my good friends at Vivint Home are doing in honor of Autism Awareness month. They're giving away four (4) free SmartHome systems in the month of April. (see below for details) I've spoken about this countless times before. There is no way to completely eliminate the risk of a child with Autism from wandering or escaping the house. This is a widely accepted fact that keeps many of us up at night, there are things you can do to limit the risk of your child getting out of the house and wandering away. How can Vivint's SmartHome system help prevent wandering? https://youtu.be/fhOFiycKx4w Who's eligible and how do I enter? Any North American household with at least one member…


Shipping the kids off tonight

The boys has a meds check this morning at their pediatrician. They were a bit of a handful but considering we were there for a total of two hours, I think they actually did quite awesome. ☺ Everything checks out with the boys and meds were refilled. Both Elliott and Emmett's idiopathic fevers were once again documented. There's nothing we can do about them but documentation is very important. As for the rest of the day, I have a few errands to run before the boys leave to spend the night at my parents house. If all goes as planned, we will have the first night off, since our trip to Florida. I think that's right. Either way, it's been forever and we desperately need it. For awhile now, at…


It was a hellacious day but filled with small blessings

Yesterday was a complete disaster but still managed to have some high points and things I'm grateful for. The day began like any other, with appointments to be at. This time it was the oral surgeon for Lizze. She needed to have two teeth pulled and this was simply supposed to be a consult, before scheduling the surgery. Lizze wanted to be sedated for the procedure and that needed to be scheduled. The address on the paperwork reflected an address about forty minutes away. We dropped the boys off at their Grandparents and hauled ass through rush hour traffic, making it there quite early. When our appointment time rolled around and the office was still closed, we figured something was wrong. Turns out there are two locations, one is about…

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