Just another example of my kids not coping with change

The boys were surprised and quite upset to see me in the parent pickup line after school today. Apparently, they had it in their head that my Mom was going to be picking them up. She wasn't, at least as far as I knew and I would be the first to know. Emmett was so upset because his afternoon deviated from what he thought it was going to be and he just couldn't move past it. Of all the kids, Emmett is the one who truly struggles with change and deviations from his planned routine. This is just one of many examples where he doesn't cope well at all. You would have thought it was the end of the world or something along those lines because he had such a…


Managing my #Depression: An Important Update

Depression has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. There have been times when I manage to maintain the upper hand and there are others when Depression makes me its bitch. This is why I refer to my struggles with Depression as a war and not a battle. (You can read more about my war on Depression by clicking here) Recently, I made some changes to the may I manage my Depression. More specifically, under medical supervision, I removed a medication I'd been on for about six years.(see my withdrawal from Paxil). I've spoken a great deal about the withdrawal process and for good reason. It's been absolutely horrible. I'm over five months in and I'm still feeling sick everyday from the withdrawal symptoms.…


An “OMG…. Are you serious?” #Autism Parenting Moment

I've been very open and honest about how Gavin drives me crazy with his constant talking or repetitive questions. I share that not to make Gavin look bad but to provide insight into just some of the challenges I face as a special needs parent. Maybe some of you can relate and find comfort in not being alone. Anyway, it occurred to me this morning, while taking Gavin for his weekly bloodwork, that I should share another thing he does. It's funny but at the same time, it can also be extremely frustrating as well. I've been working with Gavin every day in regards to remembering that he doesn't need to tell me everything he's thinking. There are many times that Gavin will walk into the room, with a big…


Yes, it sucked but I feel like I came out on top

The exhaust has been fixed and the car drives silently once again, except for the squealing on the front end.. What I should say is the car no longer rumbles. ☺ They did a great job fixing the exhaust and even welded a new hook in place so if it breaks again it doesn't drag on the ground. That would have been really nice to have yesterday but it all worked out. The entire repair was only $50 and I was able to pull that off. Look, it sucks that the the repairs were needed in the first place. It sucks even more that someone broke into the car last night but rather than dwelling on the obvious negatives, I'm going to focus on something else instead. At the end…


We had a break-in last night

I was getting ready to load the car up and take the exhaust to get repaired this morning when I notice that someone had broken into our car...again. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time it's happened and I doubt it will be the last. You'd think the obvious security cameras would make people think twice but apparently not. I'm pulling video this morning but it might not have picked anything up. Thankfully, there wasn't any significant damage but they absolutely trashed the car. I'm not sure how they got in because I had locked the doors yesterday afternoon and hadn't been back in the car until this morning. Not only did they trash the car but they left things in the car that weren't in there to start with. Whoever…


An important update on Ruby, our cute little Chorkie

This is a short but interesting update, dealing with how Ruby is doing since Maggie passed. We've had animals pass away before and there's almost always a change in those that remain. When Cleo died last year, Blue (our only remaining cat) became much more outgoing than he'd been previously. When Maggie died a little over a week ago, Ruby didn't seem too impacted, at least in a negative way. She refused to eat at first because we had her trained that Maggie went first. It took some doing to undo that. That was really biggest thing we noticed at first. As time has passed, Ruby seems to be coming into her own. She's more relaxed and confident since she's been the only dog. When we come home, she quietly…


Here’s how I’m dealing with our broken down car

With any luck, the exhaust on the car should be fized before lunchtime. That's of course, assuming everything goes off without a hitch. My Mom is taking the boys to school in the AM. I'll load the exhaust into the car and make my way to the repair shop, where I have an early morning appointment to drop it off. My Mom is going to pick me up at the shop and we're going to go walking. I've no idea when the car will be done but they made it sound like it wouldn't be too long and the repair should be relatively inexpensive. I'm hoping it remains that way and there aren't any surprises. I want to say a big thank you to my Mom for helping us navigate…


I’m trying to remain positive

Today's been a challenge for me on a few levels. We finally were ready to remove Maggie's kennel from the house and that sucked. Noone wanted to remove it before today and we respected that because we thought it might help them work through things. It seems to have helped and that's a positive thing. Lizze, Gavin and myself went for a walk this afternoon and it was gorgeous out. We got to see all the newly hatched baby geese, the first painted turtle of the year and a bunch of freshly bloomed flowers. It was invigorating to witness Mother Nature at her best and it put all of us in a great mood. Shortly there after, I was scheduled to meet with the principal to work on some fundraising…