It was a disastrous morning for Gavin
It's been a really rough morning. I've been fighting off a stomach bug for most of the week and it's not been pleasant. I've actually not been eating much, so…
It's been a really rough morning. I've been fighting off a stomach bug for most of the week and it's not been pleasant. I've actually not been eating much, so…
I feel like I'm beginning to crack under the pressure of everything. The kids are all over the place tonight and I love them to pieces but I wouldn't hate…
Gavin's IVIG infusion is not going well this morning. For some reason, we can't get any flow and I'm having to force the solution through the tubing manually. It works…
I sort of feel like the powers that be are shooting at the ground around my feet and screaming dance monkey dance. The last seven days have been a nightmarish…
In the morning, we have to be at the immunologist. This means another trip to Cleveland, and we have to be there by 9 AM so that it will be…
Gavin had therapy tonight and while some of the time was spent on Elliott, the rest of the time was spent on Gavin. There are a million things to worry…
I've been slacking off in the writing department lately and I apologize for that. In order to get everyone caught up on the last couple of days, there are 2…
We were able to get all our running around done today without too many problems. Gavin had some problems but nothing we couldn't handle. He had an off day and just seemed…