How we salvaged the day by surprising our kids
I didn't sleep well last night because my restless leg was keeping me awake. I was unable to go walking because of HOF week. To say I was in a…
I didn't sleep well last night because my restless leg was keeping me awake. I was unable to go walking because of HOF week. To say I was in a…
Gavin's IVIG infusion supplies arrived but didn't arrive until dinner time. I had Gavin immediately put his infusion together and get it going. While he was doing so, he began…
I have a much larger update planned but for the moment, I wanted to let you know how Gavin's orthostatic testing went at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. Whenever Gavin see…
I've been meaning to write this but the idea of doing so has been too overwhelming. There are a number of reasons for that but the main one is that…
It's been another long night, and I'm just now getting around to writing anything. Mr. Emmett is all sorts of miserable because of his current fever flare, resulting in painful…
We've made it halfway through the day, and things have actually gone smoothly. Emmett's back at school, and we're in the waiting room at Akron Children's Hospital for Elliott's appointment.…
It was a long night. Emmett slept until 2 AM before waking up in a panic because his eye was glued shut. I applied warm compresses until I was able…
One of the more frustrating parts of being a special needs parent is dealing with medications. One of the most frustring parts of dealing with medications is getting them filled…