This Week’s Pod: Bittersweet Victories
In this episode, I talk about what many of us face from time to time. Bittersweet Victories are the kind of victory that comes after a loss. In the case…
In this episode, I talk about what many of us face from time to time. Bittersweet Victories are the kind of victory that comes after a loss. In the case…
There's so much to talk about but I'm exhausted beyond belief and want to call it a night. Thay said, I figured I'd sum everything up quickly and maybe provide…
I just left a message with Gavin's Gastroenterologist at Akron Children's Hospital. We're supposed to call towards the end of this week to get the results of Gavin's labs from…
After taking the boys to school this morning, I'll take Gavin to get this week's bloodwork done. If you're not already aware, Gavin needs weekly bloodwork in order to get…
We're waist-deep in teenage and special needs growing pains. One of the more typical problems right now is that our house is way too small. No one besides Gavin really…
I'm having a rough go at this weekend. It's the tail end of a long-ass week and I'm spent. The E's are doing pretty good right now and Emmett even…
Gavin's been undergoing his IVIG infusion for over five hours now and it's still not done. This is not a good thing because he's getting extremely anxious and understandably so.…
As you likely already know, Gavin was scheduled for surgery at Akron Children's Hospital yesterday. Everything went as planned but we ran into a problem. I summed everything up in…