Gavin’s doing better in this area
I know Gavin struggles in most areas of his life. That's just the reality of the situation and I won't sugar coat or spin that. It's frustrating as his parent…
I know Gavin struggles in most areas of his life. That's just the reality of the situation and I won't sugar coat or spin that. It's frustrating as his parent…
It's been many years since Gavin began taking Clozapine been and roughly 2 years since Gavin began having issues with his blood work, that had a significant impact on how…
After a long, physically and emotionally draining weekend, I'm feeling like we ended up being very lucky. Gavin's emergency was dire and very scary. It's impossible to explain what it…
This week is going to be pretty chaotic. We have a string of doctors appointments over the next few days that will require Emmett to miss some school. Emmett has…
Life has been getting in the way of writing lately and that's frustrating. This is a major outlet for me and when it's impeded, I tend to struggle a bit…
It's been a frustrating couple of days but also kinda exciting. The kids are beginning to stay afloat for the most part and while school seems to be going better-ish,…
I'm beginning to see the impact of my grandmother's death on my kids, particularly Emmett. None of my kids are talking about her or the fact that she's passed, and…
We have a busy day today. School starts in the morning and we still have a few things that need done. The boys still need new lunch boxes and they…