#COVID19 Lockdown: Day 44

I'm happy to share that we had a pretty decent day. Nothing spectacularly amazing took place but neither did anything catestrophic. Considering we're on day 44 of COVID19 lockdown, I'm…

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This scares the sh!t out of me

Gavin is driving me nuts. He's talking nonstop and it seems like even single step instructions are needed to be repeated multiple times. Absolutely none of this is his fault.…

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Frustrating and Dangerous

I'm really not looking forward to today because my covidiot neighbors are throwing a graduation party. There's maybe 30 feet between our houses. Historically, their parties are big, loud and…

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My son asked that I share this

Gavin has been a Sonic fan for most of his life. Sonic is also one of the main characters in his Schizophrenic hallucinations. We hear about Sonic all the time,…

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