Some major updates about my kids

It’s been a little while since I’m written here. There have been a great many changes in my life and all of them very positive. I’m obviously still experiencing some…

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We are dealing with some new challenges

It’s been a little bit since I opened up about some of the challenges we’re dealing with as an autism family. While life is definitely good, there are some new challenges that have come up recently and I want to talk about them.

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Every victory matters

It has been a little while since I've shared a victory. Okay, I know. It's been a lot longer than a little while, but better late than never. Today's victory…

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Today’s Gentle Parenting Reminder

This week past week, there was an issue with Gavin’s transportation to and from work. His transport under the current plan expired last Friday and I didn’t know. Gavin is…

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