Autonomic Crisis: Update 7/15/2012 (3pm)
Gavin will not be coming home today as previously thought. He will however, be home tomorrow, assuming all goes well. He will be receiving an MRI, either while there or…
Gavin will not be coming home today as previously thought. He will however, be home tomorrow, assuming all goes well. He will be receiving an MRI, either while there or…
Gavin should finally get released today. I don't know what time though. It will be really nice to have our family whole again. Gavin has had a rough 6 days…
Gavin should be coming home at some point today. We will know more around 8am. Elliott is beside himself with excitement over the thought of seeing his big brother. My…
You would do not believe the impact that stress can have on the human body. Well, maybe you can. I mean, anyone that's a parent, let alone a special needs…
I wanted to update everyone on a pretty significant change to Gavin's meds. One of the things that have been causing or contributing to Gavin's sleepiness in the mornings is…
I wanted to let everyone know that despite the really rough start, Gavin's IVIG Infusion was successful. I want to thank his nurse for doing such an awesome job. With…
I wanted to keep you all updated on how Gavin has been doing since moving home earlier this week. For those of you new to my blog, Gavin was moved…
During our last appointment with Dr. Moodley at the Cleveland Clinic, there was a medication change that was scheduled to take place today. One of the treatments for Gavin's Autonomic…