Autonomic Crisis: Bridging the gap

There was just a shift change here at Akron Children's Hospital.  However,  someone must be looking out for us because the doctor that just came on did his residency at…

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Autonomic Crisis Update: 09/01/2012

I wanted to take a minute and update you all on how Gavin is doing,  health wise. Since tightly controlling his fluid intake and starting his new meds,  Gavin seems…

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He simply can’t come home

Something I don't talk about very often in my outlook on the future. It's not that I'm hiding something from all of you, it's just that I don't like to…

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A father’s breaking heart

I had this great plan to have this video blog up and ready for you all this morning and due to technical issues, that's been delayed by a few hours. …

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Autonomic Crisis: What’s next

On August 28th, Gavin returns to the Cleveland Clinic for most of the day.  In the morning,  Gavin will have skin biopsies done. My understanding is that they want tissue…

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Autonomic Crisis: Update 08/01/2012

I wanted to update all of you on Gavin current condition in regards to his autonomic disorder.  Gavin just had his 3rd of 4 blood draws for this week.  Incidentally, …

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