My concern for Gavin deepens
As many of you know from my earlier post, the boys did a walk for Cancer today. They went to Cleveland with my parents and had a really good time,…
As many of you know from my earlier post, the boys did a walk for Cancer today. They went to Cleveland with my parents and had a really good time,…
A mile in my shoes – why this #SpecialNeeds #Dad is Heartbroken, Overwhelmed and Terrified
I'm a bit concerned about Gavin this morning because he says he doesn't feel right. Actually he says, "Daddy, I feel funny". It's never a good sign when Gavin says…
Gavin threw his tantrum, I want to say.....around noon today. After he got himself under control, he wanted to go lay down. It's now 5 hours later and he's still…
Gavin had bloodwork done about an hour or so ago. At this point, he seems to have stabilized enough to be sent home. We'll know more when the blood work…
I spoke with Dr. Moodley's office at the Cleveland Clinic. We were originally going to be taking him to the ER at Cleveland. However, as we are getting ready to…
We just got home from Gavin's martial arts promotion. Gavin did really well and I will have pictures up when I can. Right now, we have a problem. It looks…
We're sitting here waiting and I noticed something was wrong with Lizze. Lizze is so stressed out that she's broken out in hives. He entire face and neck are covered.…