#Autism Parenting: When is it okay to be selfish?
#Autism Parenting: When is it okay to be selfish?
#Autism Parenting: When is it okay to be selfish?
There's so many things that we as a society talk about all the time. I can't turn on the TV or radio without being inundated with information. Every day, I…
We had a pretty awesome experience today, with our kids first real play date. In all our years, the kids have never had a real play date because play dates…
Please don't get me wrong when I say this, because I truly love Gavin and I wouldn't have done half the things I've already done, currently doing or will be…
“If we don’t take care of ourselves first and our marriage second, we can’t be as strong as we need to be in order to survive the very difficult life we have been blessed with. We can’t be what our kids need us to be”
So often parents of kids with Autism or Special Needs suffer in silence. We don't always ask for help or tell people the truth about how we're really feeling, if…
If there are any grammar errors, I'll fix them in the morning. I can't keep my eyes open and I'm going to bed. I'm going to try and sum…
There are always certain people in your life who are able to hurt you with their words. Most of the time, I don’t care what others think but some people still have some of that power.. It’s a process and it takes time to adjust the value you assign to someone’s words… Here’s a few thoughts on this…