PLEASE keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days

The boys and I went to Walmart yesterday, and picked up some groceries. Right now they're into eating chicken, so we stocked up on chicken beast, chicken tenders and things like that.  At dinner tonight, Gavin wanted to make himself some chicken tenders. He took a couple large ones from the bag and heated them up in the microwave. He's capable of using the microwave or toaster oven.  After he was done, I put some in the air fryer for Emmett and as I was putting the bag back in the freezer, I noticed that the bag said ready to cook, raw chicken.  As soon as I saw that, I ran into the other room to stop Gavin. I yelled at him to stop eating..  When I looked at his…


Gavin’s in the emergency room please keep him in your prayers 

We're waiting to go back, but I wanted to take a minute and ask that you keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers.   Currently were at the emergency room because Gavin has been experiencing something going today that could end up being very serious, especially with a compromised immune system.   Essentially, Gavin's been peeing blood today, and we aren't sure why. Gavin's story has been shifting today, and so we aren't entirely sure what's going on.  At first, we thought he was popping blood and so we called his doctors to find out what to do. Then later on in the morning, Gavin informed us that he hadn't pooped today at all and that he was peeing blood.  He didn't think it was important enough to tell us…

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We could use some thoughts, prayers or positive energies for Gavin today

Today's a really big day for us. There's a couple of reasons but only one that really matters. You see, today we finally get Gavin into the psychiatrist and figure out exactly what needs to be done to help him.   Gavin's been in a psychotic break for over three months now and I'm not sure what we can do about it.   What I know for sure is that there are zero good solutions for this and some are very dangerous. The whole reason for today's appointment is to wade through the very limited options and find the best of all the bad ideas.  Aside from getting the boys to and from school tomorrow, this appointment is the only thing on the agenda because we have no idea where…


Please keep Elliott’s friend in your thoughts and prayers 

I'm asking all my readers to please say a prayer or send positive thoughts for Elliott's friend at school. Elliott and Emmett are in a school for kids with Autism and other special needs.   We got a letter from the school yesterday, letting us know that the Mother of Elliott's friend, passed away suddenly.  I'm not quite sure the boys understand the finality of this situation.   This is a really tragic situation for obvious reasons and my heart goes out to his young friend and her family.   Losing a parent is never an easy thing for a child to cope with.  When you're dealing with a special needs child, it can even be tougher because sometimes it's much harder for them to understand.   Please keep this…


Gavin had a bad reaction to his IVIG infusion tonight because apparently, life isn’t challenging enough already 

As you know, Gavin receives IVIG infusions twice a week because he's living with a severely compromised immune system. The actual medication is called GAMMAGARD and it's basically made up of antibodies from many, many different donors. This replaces the defunct antibodies in Gavin's body, for a short period of time. He's been receiving these infusions for many years now and will continue for the rest of his life. Now we're all caught up and everyone is on the same page. Gavin received his IVIG infusion tonight and the infusion itself went well. The actual infusions themselves usually go well.  Sometimes we hit some snags but that's really the exception to the rule. What happened tonight was a bad reaction. It happens on occasion but it hasn't happened in a…