When You’re Done With The Daddy Train

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily reflect the views of this blog and its author.   Deciding whether to keep popping out children is a big decision. Family planning is a big part of life for a couple, and it can feel a little bit too final to close the door on having more children. It leads to a lot of long conversations about whether you feel complete as a family. The idea that the pregnancy that has just been completed with a healthy, bouncing baby at the end could be the last one is a tough pill to swallow, but it’s a conversation that has to be had. It’s a tough call even if you have a large family because it’s the memory of all those…


Creative Ways To Motivate Your Kids To Do Chores

This is a collaborative post Image Source Are you struggling to get your kids to do chores? A few creative form of motivation could be in order. Here are just a few ways to persuade your kids to get involved in housework. Have a spinning chore chart A spinning chore chart could be a fun way of allocating chores. This leaves the distribution of chores up to random chance making it a fair way of sharing chores amongst siblings that may fight over tasks. A spinning chore chartcan be easily built with cardboard and a split pin. Use rewards Rewards can help to spur on your kids to complete chores. For young kids this could be something as simple as stickers. You can get custom printable stickersonline which could make…


It’s Never Too Late To Have A Family

This is a collaborative post Humans are very privileged to live in a world of ever-evolving scientific research. We are constantly making progress around the globe in medicine and methods of surgery. Pioneering medical breakthroughs are making regular news, with everything from conjoined twins being successfully separated, to this heart in a box that is still beating without being connected to a living body. It’s something to be in awe of, the way we have come far enough as a race to be crediting medical advancement to the fact we are living longer and healthier than ever. There is one area of life that has been under the microscope – quite literally – for medical advancement, and that is family planning.mage Source Men and women - both gay and straight…

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Seven Infant Care Challenges You Are Probably Not Prepared For

This is a collaborative post When you are expecting a baby, you try to be prepared for everything. There's more to worry about than just picking out a good infant car seat. You need to stock up on baby lotion, powder, and get all the accessories, including the bath, baby mobile, crib, and of course, purchase a car seat. However, there are some common skin conditions, allergies, and health issues your baby is likely to suffer from in the first few weeks that you need to be prepared for if you would like your little one and family members to get a good night’s sleep. Find out more about the most common conditions and parenting challenges below. 1. Chronic Colic If your baby feels bloated and cannot digest milk or…

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Spice Up Your Life With These 3 Easy Tips

This is a contributed post. Treat yourself There’s never a bad time to treat yourself, even though it’s good to make sure you’re saving money for emergencies. While doing so, don’t forget to live in the moment and give your current self the satisfaction you deserve. It can be pretty hard to continue with your daily plans when you don’t feel as if you’re getting anything from them, so you need to make sure you constantly feel refreshed and rewarded, as it helps to give you a sense of purpose. Plan a holiday Every now and then, it’s good for you to get away from the same day to day routine, as it can help to relieve stress. It’s bad for your mental health to let everything just build up,…


City Life is Hard: Learn to Streamline

Times are a-changin', and if you don't keep up with them, no one is going to look back and try to help you up. Of course, you can always just sit in a woodland hut out in the wilderness, hunting for food, your choice. Living in the city is though and it can prove to be quite the ordeal, constant rat race, stress on every corner, big spendings just waiting to pounce on your hard earned money. It really is as bad as it sounds, and yet, everyone keeps coming back to the city, or justbnever leaving in the first place. There is a certain appeal which you cannot really place your finger on, but it’s there. Maybe it’s something to do with running water, central heating or good internet…


Moving Home With Kids Ain’t Easy; Relocating With Autistic Kids Is Harder Still

This is a sponsored post  Any parent who has ever relocated after having children will confirm that it can be a challenging period. After all, the prospect of leaving behind everything they know – from friends to school – can be rather daunting for kids to accept. When a child suffers from autism, though, a whole host of additional issues are thrown into the mix.  Still, this cannot stop you from making the move that could open the door to a brighter future for the family. Here are some top tips we’ve gained from experience over the years, such as times when we’ve helped other families complete their relocations. Image: Children Need Time All kids need time to adjust and prepare for the move, but this is especially true for…

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Colgate and MagnusCards helping Special Needs kids with oral hygiene #ColgatePartner

This post is sponsored by #ColgatePartner and is intended to share my family’s experiences using their oral hygiene social stories to help our kids with Autism maintain good oral hygiene. Being an Autism parent is full of many challenges. We all face a unique set of circumstances, but there are usually a few common threads that tie us all together. One of the challenges my family faces is regarding helping our kids with Autism learn personal hygiene. In my experience, with my kids, personal hygiene is something that doesn't seem to come naturally, especially with my oldest. One of the most essential elements of personal hygiene is maintaining good oral health. This has always been problematic because my oldest struggles with a lack of self-awareness and reduced memory function. He…