Creating a #Sensory Bedroom

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author. Photo Credit Whether your child is on the autism spectrum or not, their bedroom is essential. It's their safe space to grow and learn. An area that is just theirs, where they are free to explore their creativity and relax. It's décor and design are important. No matter how old your kids are, if they are on the spectrum, you'll want a sensory space for them to enjoy, but you'll also want to know that it's somewhere that they can relax and get a great night's sleep. It can be hard finding the right balance. Here are some top tips to help you. Start from Scratch One of the hardest parts of creating…


Top Tips To Help Kids With Autism Be More Active

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author. Many families that have children with autism will agree that exercise and activity is a great outlet for them. There have been plenty of studies surrounding the benefits of exercise with autistic behaviors, and that exercise is a great outlet for those behaviors to reduce or even for children to learn discipline and gain self-control. However, it can also be a challenge to not only get your children to take exercise, but also for them to be excited about it. So I thought I would share with you some of the top tips that can help children with autism be a little more active.Image source Making sure you have the right gear to…


Looking After an Elderly Relative Who Has #Autism

This is a collaborative post and doesn't necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author. There is plenty of good, sound and helpful advice to be found on this blog regarding being a parent of a child that has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, but now it’s time to look at the other end of the age spectrum. As your loved one gets older, they may also need help moving around the house. To find advice on this matter, make sure to read on. Image source First of all, consider just how autism can affect the elderly The first thing to do when putting a care plan together to look after an elderly person who is autistic is to consider just how the condition affects them. And,…


Making More Time For Yourself & Your Family

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Image Credit Time is an overlooked and under-appreciated gift.  You are blessed with 24 hours each and every day, yet how many of these hours are spent doing the things that truly matter to you - that fill your heart with joy and happiness?  Imagine the heartbreak of leaving your autistic child at home, when all they want is to be with you, it can be heartbreaking - yet we all have to make a living. See, many parents nowadays, particularly those having to pay for medical treatment and care for their children are not only full-time carers, but having to work such long hours they end up missing out…

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3 Ways You Can Integrate Technology Into Your Children’s Education

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this blog or its owner.   If you rewind time 25-30 years, you will see a world that barely included technology as part of everyday life. Children, in particular, were sent out to play after breakfast, with the only instruction being that they had to return home when the streetlights came on. It can be very difficult, therefore, for parents to want to integrate technology into the day to day life of their children when they didn’t have it in their own youth. Image Source Bringing technology into the world of your children is more than just choosing the pretty iPad covers and deciding which model to go with to optimise their experience. There are…


The Formula: How We Need To Be A Great Carer For Our Dependents

This is a collaborative post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the blog or its owner Pxhere We all have the same battle in life, the one of time. For those parents who have special needs children, the struggle is all too real. The needs of the child will forever be a weight on the parents’ shoulders, and as they age, the common issues start creeping. From health problems to physical problems, or any sort of decline, we all have to deal with these issues. For those that have children who rely on them to do everything, or for those that are in a position of care, stress is a very real emotion. And it's not just about the day-to-day care, thoughts turn to how you…


Recuperating & Revitalizing Yourself After An Injury

This is a collaborative post ans does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this blog or its owner Sports injuries really are a pain in the neck; there is nothing worse than being desperate to train but being unable to due to an injury. Regardless of whether you injured yourself by pushing too hard, or you’re working with personal injury lawyers to explore the possibility that something like faulty equipment was to blame for that nick in your back, those long weeks of waiting can quickly take their toll. For anyone who likes to exercise and uses working out as an outlet for stress and worry, being unable to be active due to an injury is a total and complete nightmare. For anyone who likes to exercise and…

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Caring For Yourself When You’re Responsible For Others

This is a collaborative post and doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running around or working on a to-do list? Is your time occupied by looking after others? Do you find it hard to put yourself first sometimes? When you’re responsible for others, it’s very easy to lose sight of the importance of caring for yourself. If you have children or you care for members of your family, hopefully, you’ll find this guide useful. Taking time out Parenting is a 24-hour job, and if you have children who require constant support, there may be times when it seems impossible to enjoy a moment to yourself. Of course, as a loving parent, you always want to do…

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