Receiving An Autism Diagnosis: The Do’s And Don’ts

When your child is diagnosed with autism, your life is going to be changed forever. The diagnosis itself can be intimidating, and you will likely feel scared, upset, and maybe even angry. You’ll be unsure of what to do or who to turn to, and this will only make your distress worse. However, as time passes, you’ll learn a lot, and will understand that caring for a child with autism isn’t really scary at all. Of course, you’ll have your moments, but you’ll grow from them, and become even better at handling certain situations. But, for now, it’s understandable that your future feels uncertain. To make your life a little easier and give you some guidance, here are nine things that you should or shouldn’t do after receiving an autism…


How Pets Can Help Children with Autism

Image source - They say that a pet is man’s best friend, but they are so much more than this. For a child that has autism, a pet can change their life for the better. There have been numerous reports and studies that have investigated the benefits of bringing a pet into the family home if you have a child with autism. So, in this blog post, the advantages of this are going to be explored in further detail so that you can find out what a family cat, dog or any other animal your kid is drawn to, will bring out the best in them. So, what are the benefits of pets for children with autism? Socialisation  There is only one place to begin, and this is with…


Preparing Your Family For Survival

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to get creative when the water was unavailable, or the power was out? I’m not talking about a busted light bulb in the bathroom, but when a hurricane has torn the power grid out in your town and you are now without electricity. Have you ever been on one of the islands when a cold snap has hit, and the pipes completely freeze solid? The water stops running when that happens, and you and your family are going to fit into one of two camps: the camp where you have repair supplies to hand along with a supply of water,…


5 Lifestyle Essentials To Try Out This Year

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. If you’re someone that tends to get into a routine, then it’s safe to say that you like things to be constant in your life. However, as effective as being in a routine can be - especially when you really want to get things done - it can also be a bit restricting. Before long, you may start to feel as if your routine is making life a little stale. This is what tends to happen when you stick to the same things in life. And sometimes, you just need to be able to shake it all up. From your outlook to what you eat and even your grooming routine,…


Hey Dad, You Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too!

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this author of this blog.   Every forum, every article, and every new Mom talks about how hard it is to have a baby and deal with sleep deprivation. No matter where you look, there are guides for a new Mom and how she can catch up with sleep during the day because, at night time, she’s breastfeeding and not sleeping very much at all. Here’s the thing: everyone forgets about Dad. If you are the sort of man who believes that you’ve experienced fatigue because of the latest stag do, you are very sorely mistaken. Dad’s may have ineffectual nipples that the baby doesn’t want, and Dad may have a job to get to…


The Importance Of Taking Care Of Yourself When Looking After Others

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author.   If you have children with disabilities or chronic illnesses or you spend a lot of time caring for a parent, a sibling or a partner, it can be very easy to lose sight of your own health and wellbeing. You may not be your number one priority, but it’s important to take care of yourself, as well as others around you. If you’ve been devoting all your time and energy to looking after others, this guide should come in handy. Taking time out We all have days when we don’t feel great, and we need a little time to ourselves to focus, clear our heads and escape things that are stressing us…


Healthy Living & #Autism: Is There A Benefit?

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author.   Did you know that in the US, autism impacts 1 in 50 children and their families? Of course, how seriously these children are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder will determine how large an impact autism has on their daily lives and the lives of their families. For instance, the Autistic Spectrum exists as a continuum, varying from more mild impairments to more serious disabilities. Due to these impairments, children and teenagers living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, experience trouble with social functioning, interest in certain activities, and repetitive behaviors. Plus, these restrictions mean that children with ASD prevent a range of challenges when it comes to nutrition and physical activities. However, they still…