Helping Your Children with #Autism Thrive

This is a contributed post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the blog or its author. As a parent of an Autistic child, I often think about the ways as a parent I can help them thrive and live a happy and fulfilled life. In some cases, it is exactly the same as any other parent would be for their children, but sometimes I feel there are added ways we can help children with autism that may not seem such a big deal in normal circumstances. I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can help your children with autism thrive on a day to day basis, and even if your children are not, they can still help you to raise well…


What You Need to Know Before You Buy your Child a Mobile Phone

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.   If you want to buy your child a mobile phone then this will be a huge point in their lives. If they have a phone then they will be able to stay in touch with their friends better and they will also be able to contact you if they want to stay out late as well. This may sound all very well, but there are some downsides to your child having a phone and it’s important that you understand this information before you go ahead and buy them a device of their very own. Sleeping Habits If your child has poor sleeping habits then giving them a phone may…


Helping Your Child’s Night Terrors And Sinus Discomfort

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this blog.   It's one of the worst things a parent can go through, but it happens regularly. Any child can go through a very health issue that occurs during the night. If as a parent you don’t know what is going on with your child, it can be a scary experience. You can see and hear how uncomfortable they are but there’s no one illness or condition that you can accurately diagnose. You end up not wanting to close the door to their bedroom and go back to sleep. So staying up with them all through the night just to keep a constant eye on them in case their condition worsens, feels like the…


Protect Your Child’s Health During Screen Time

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this blog or its author.  Source: Pxhere No one wants their kids to spend all their time in front of a screen. However, very few parents decide that their children aren't allowed any screen time at all. Sometimes it's the best way to get them to calm down or relax, and it's an easy way to give yourself a break. If you still worry about your kids when they're in front of a screen, you can take a few steps to protect them. It's important to consider how screen time might affect their health and the possible impact it can have socially. You might not always understand everything they're doing, but you can do some…


Classic Outdoor Activities For Children With Autism

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.  Not all activities available to the wider public are also available to children with autism, but this isn’t necessarily anything to do with the children themselves. It’s because the creators of event centers and beyond don’t take the few extra steps needed to make their venture open to all people in society, regardless of who they are. Fortunately, there’s one place out there that doesn’t discriminate (or, rather, discriminates equally): the great outdoors! Nature’s playground is full of fun activities for you and your children. Don’t believe us? Just check out some of our fun spring and summer activities that we’ve outlined below. Source: Create an Obstacle Course What’s…


Solutions For Parents Whose Children Spend Too Much Time In Front Of A Screen

Image For parents that don't have a child with special needs, whether it's autism or Asperger's, there can be a lack of empathy. This is especially true when it comes to the idea of negotiating boundaries. For any child on the spectrum, it's never a case of black or white when it comes to a type of boundary or rule. And for those parents out there that have concerns with regards to the amount of screen time their autistic child is having, the temptation can be to let them have as much screen time as possible. However, this doesn't benefit them, nor does it benefit you, as you are, essentially, making a rod for your own back, causing further problems down the line. So, what are the concerns for every…


Preparing for the future with your Autistic child

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this blog and its author.    When you are the parent of an autistic child, you can’t always live in the present. You have to think about the future. You need to consider what comes next. What happens when your child reaches high school, what happens when they reach college age when they are old enough to live independently, and the list just goes on. You also need to think about what your role will be in their life. For parents, usually, there is a time when they step back and let their children live completely independently. When you have a child with autism, it’s possible that this day never arrives. This, of course, depends…


Supporting Your Family With Self-Care: What Can You Do?

This is a contributed post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. When you’re the head of the household and you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, you can often feel the pressure to help everyone. It can often be easy to confuse the idea of parenting and guiding and supporting your family, with doing everything for them. While every family is different, and you are going to have to accept your individual circumstances and find a rhythm that works for you, you will also find that bringing in some self-care can really do a lot for your family’s dynamics. And here, we’re not just talking about your immediate family, but your aging parents too. Because we…