“Blanket wrapping” is the new weighted blanket…

What is SafeBlanket?We use "safe blanket" in our hospital to help comfort children and adults with several "blanket wrapping" techniques. The SafeBlanket is a durable, functional heavy blanket used to wrap your loved one. The comforting and soothing effects of the pressure help calm patients quickly. We also use it to hold unusually combative patients during routine medication administration (e.g., injections, blood draws). I need your help to gain feedback. As a passionate member of the autism community, I could use your engagement. Please visit our website and drop your email to remain informed of our progress and leave direct feedback. www.safeblanket.comPeople are talking:"That sounds amazing. I have a medical condition that, combined with ASD, had me shaking and shaking. The only thing that would get it to stop was…


Review: @Otsimo is a fantastic educational app for kids with #Autism

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I'm a huge proponent of technology. I like to connect people with tech that can improve their quality of life, and this is especially true in the case of Autism parents. As an Autism parent myself, I know first hand how challenging it can be. I also know that I need all the help I can get. I utilize many forms of technology in my daily life. Apps are easily among the most common pieces of technology I utilize. I use apps to manage many aspects of my family's everyday life. I'm even using the WordPress app to write this post. Apps are amazing little pieces of software that can enrich our lives in ways we couldn't…

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Did you know that #CBD for pets is a thing now?

I've always been fascinated by science, especially medical science. When I was a kid, I used to love reading the medical advances section of Readers Digest. I’ve a big believer in western medicine, but my eyes have recently been opened to other options. I've mentioned before that we've been exploring CBD products for Lizze in hopes of helping her better manage her chronic pain, including migraines. Traditional medicine wasn’t helpful, and after years of not being able to find any meaningful relief, something happened. Ohio recently legalized medicinal marijuana, and Lizze was able to obtain her Ohio medical marijuana card a few months ago. It's pretty much changed her life. CBD oil, which is THC free, has been very helpful as well. She only tried it in two forms, gummies…


How To React In A Natural Disaster 

Having children that have autism can teach you many things. A natural curiosity for the human mind is definitely going to grow in you. The effort to learn about how your child thinks and what could possibly make their life better is always going to be something you want to have continually.


Ingenious Gifts For #Autistic Kids

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Buying gifts for children can be difficult. Thankfully, when it’s your own kids’ birthdays, at least you will have a better idea of the kinds of things they are into and will love to unwrap. When it comes to other people’s children, though, it can be a tougher choice. However, when a child is autistic and you don’t have any experience of living with an autistic individual, you might be completely stuck and may have no clue as to what to buy them. Well, it doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a few different gift guides for children with autism if…


5 Things to Avoid When You’re Stressed

This is a contributed post and therefore may not represent the views /opinions of this blog or its author.  We all know that life can be stressful. From dealing with parenting issues to trying to stay on top of finances, life, these days, seems to always be one step ahead of us, and it’s not easy finding ways to keep up. The problem with stress is that it’s not enjoyable experience; obvious, yes, but true. And because it’s not enjoyable, we always want to find ways to get rid of it - but alas, we often look in the wrong places. Below, we take a look at five things that won’t help you - and which may indeed make your stress even worse. Source: Pexels.com Overthinking It’s easy to get into…

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Understanding ADHD

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.   Photo Source In the past, children with ADHD were simply classified as “naughty”, “reckless”, or “difficult”. However, thanks to improvements in our understanding of the mental disorder, we are now able to correctly diagnose certain behaviors that are indicative of an ADHD diagnosis rather than merely reprimanding the child. So, here’s a little information that can help to familiarise you with the disorder and more accepting of people living with the condition. What Is ADHD? ADHD (short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition that primarily affects children and teens but can continue into adulthood. In fact, it is one of the most commonly and frequently diagnosed mental…