Purchases to Keep You Occupied During Lockdown

There are many awful things going on in the world right now. The spread of coronavirus has resulted in a worldwide pandemic and a huge amount of sickness and number of deaths. So, complaining about boredom when staying home to protect ourselves, others and the healthcare systems battling the virus can often feel like a bit of a first world problem to focus on. But when it comes down to it, some of us need distraction, occupation and something to pay attention to in order to maintain our mental and emotional health. Boredom can lead to distress and this isn’t good for anyone. Now, some of us already have hobbies that we carry out at home and are in luck, as we already have all the bits and pieces we…


How to Balance a Nursing Career, Kids, and Still Complete an Executive Program

How to Balance a Nursing Career, Kids, and Still Complete an Executive Program Being a working parent is hard. Throw in a degree on top of it all, and it can seem downright impossible, especially if you are a working parent who has never found the whole parenting part of your job natural or easy.  Kids are resilient, but they can also be selfish and self-absorbed. This means that paying them less attention to focus on your degree can feel like inviting disaster into your life, but it doesn’t have to. There is no reason to protect your kids from reality. You are going to need to spend some time each day working on your degree. They are going to have to get used to that. You can be a…


Yet Another Great Help for Parents On Lockdown

I was looking for new ways to help me establish a new routine at home for the kids during the lockdown. In this search, I encountered Otsimo. I have used and talked about this app before. I have also recommended it to many people. Although my children would not benefit from the app, considering their ages and developmental levels, I really like to keep my eye open for such great apps to recommend to those who might need it. When I first came across the app, I remember thinking that it would’ve been great for my youngest Emmett, who was non-verbal. Although it didn’t exist when he was little, I still wanted to take a look and see if it was worth a try. My first impression was that it…


Parenting Tips: How To Ease The Transition Of Moving With Kids

Relocating your family can be an exciting experience. But, on the other hand, it can be extremely stressful for your kids, especially since they know that they have no control over the transition. Despite the chaos, your children are forced to get out of their comfort zone, bid goodbye to their friends, and transfer to a new school. As a result, they become anxious over the moving process. If you’re concerned about your kids’ welfare, here’s how you can ease the transition of moving with them.1. Sit With Your Kids And Discuss The MoveNo matter what the situation is, it’s essential to prepare your kids for the move by talking about it. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to give them as much information about the relocation. So, sit with…


3 Broadway Shows Your Kids Will Love

Taking your kids to see a Broadway show is a gift they’ll always remember, but which one should you see? Here are a few of the most popular shows for kids right now.Harry Potter & The Cursed ChildFor the very first time, the world of Harry Potter is coming to the stage. Come and join Harry as he navigates the challenges of the adult world (he’s now a father to three children)! The story focuses on Harry’s son Albert, facing the challenges of the family name. When the past will not rest and the future seems dark and uncertain, courage and strength are truly put to the test. The Lion KingDisney fans won’t want to miss this epic adaptation, (including all the best songs)! Join Simba on his quest to…


Development stages in the first year of life

From a newborn baby who spends most of their time sleeping and eating to a toddler who won't sit still, the transformation in the first year of life is nothing short of miraculous. Every month brings new developmental stages that are exciting to see. Although babies develop different skills at different rates, sometimes missing a milestone could be due to something more serious, such as cerebral palsy - you can find out more on this website. If you have any concerns, speak to your pediatrician.  One to three months During the first three months, your baby is getting used to the outside world. The sensations and sounds they felt and heard in the womb are still the most comforting, and they spend the vast majority of their lives sleeping. However,…



Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or autism, is a neurological condition that affects a large number of Canadian children and their families. In fact, it is the most common developmental disability amongst Canadians aged 5-17, with 1 in 66 children and youth diagnosed. As a result, minors with autism have trouble with social interactions, communication problems, and a tendency to repeat certain patterns of behavior. Depending on where they fall on the spectrum, the severity of the condition and level of functioning differs from child to child. As a result, separate types of treatment and programs are offered to different kids. Parents raising children with high-functioning autism, for example, are subject to more expenses than those with kids who have low-functioning autism, due to the extra care commitment required. Nevertheless, the…

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Sports You Can Encourage Your Child To Play And Why It Is Great For Them

As parents, we quite often wonder what the right thing to do for them is. We want them to have the best start in life but there are many different options out there for children of all ages. The best thing we can do though is to make sure that they are taking part in some activity at least, for their health and wellbeing. But where do we start? Well, there are many different sports and activities around now and here are some of the choices you may be faced with. Going through each of them and working out with your child which one they would like to try is going to be great for their self-esteem and confidence. Photo by Lisa Wall on Unsplash Competitive Sports Competitive sports are…