Why we all need a bit of downtime

If you’re a busy parent, life can feel like one endless series of problems to solve. Some people can just plow straight through, dealing with all the issues as they arise. Others, however, get burned out. And that’s when the real trouble starts. Getting downtime is vital for several reasons. But, as with so many things, it comes back to biology. When you rest, you activate something called the parasympathetic nervous system. If you’ve ever felt rested and happy, you’ll know what this is like. You feel relaxed like you could do anything, and you’re not worrying about going to work or driving the kids somewhere. You definitely don’t feel overwhelmed. Pexels - CC0 License Activating this system is vital because the body relies on it to do basic housekeeping.…


How Do Service Dogs Assist With #Autism?

Service animals are fantastic for helping people with disabilities go about their daily routines. Someone who is blind may greatly benefit from a seeing-eye dog that helps them navigate city streets. Alternatively, service dogs can also be used to assist young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with autism vary in how much they are affected, but a service dog can be effective in just about any situation. A service dog serves as a medium between a child with ASD and the outside world. Through interacting, spending time together, and navigating life side-by-side, a service dog to support autism can make life much better for a child and their family. If your child has ASD, then you may wonder how a service dog can help. We’ll go over this…


Tips for Parents of Children With #Autism

If you are the parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), then you understand how different life is and just how difficult it can be at times. You surely love your kid to pieces, but things aren’t always smooth sailing due to the challenges posed by autism. Should anything go wrong, it often disrupts your child’s whole day. Anything like getting inadequate sleep to feeling misunderstood can have a profound effect. Each situation is a little different, but a few common strategies help parent most children with ASD. You should take advantage of them to improve both your child’s and your quality of life. To get you started, we’ll point out a few helpful tips for managing autism to help you and your child thrive! Prioritize a Routine…

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5 Tips For Easing Out of Lockdown Responsibly

There finally appears to be some light emerging at the end of the tunnel with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries that were ravaged by the virus earlier this year have eased restrictions and are on the path toward normality. We are beginning to see businesses and industries re-opening in an attempt to restore some economic and financial prosperity.  Having spent the past three months in quarantine, many people are eager to get back to their pre-COVID routines. Although social distancing and virus preventative measures are still in place, there has been a clear shift in public attitude regarding the virus. The initial fear has lifted, and people are very quickly re-adapting to life after quarantine.  For some people, however, re-immersing into society is still not an option. There…


Parents of Autistic Kids Need to Understand the Law

Any parent will tell you that no two children are alike, and this even more so for the parents and guardians of kids with autism. Indeed, all kids are a gift, and it takes a lot of nurturing and care to see them fully blossom and meet their full potential. The challenges that the parents of autistic children face are unique, but definitely not insurmountable. Once you learn about how to structure your child's life so that they can have routines and know what triggers to avoid, you have to address how your family is going to navigate the outside world. This also includes becoming somewhat of an expert in the areas of law that will impact and best protect your child. Your Children's Rights within the Education System Children…


5 Ways to Give Your Senior Loved One a Happy Life

Dealing with aging parents can be tough on both ends. Your senior parents are grappling with extreme life changes that might change their behavior and affect their moods. If you want to help your senior parents live out the rest of their days as happy, healthy adults, there are a few things you need to do to make sure that happens. Here are five ways to give your senior loved one a happy life. 1. Help Them Accept That Things Have Changed Change isn't easy for any of us, but seniors dealing with transitioning into the later stages of life might find it especially difficult. They might no longer be able to be as independent as they once were and take care of simple tasks like going grocery shopping or…


Do You Suffer From Aches?

Do you suffer from aches and pains? Perhaps you experience joint pain because of arthritis? Maybe you get a bad back from time to time? No matter what applies, one thing you should consider investing in to ease the pain is a hot tub. If you experience back pain, you will often be advised to apply heat to the area. A hot tub presents one of the easiest and most effective methods of applying heat to a large part of the body. This helps to reduce muscle spasms because the heat from the water will relax the surrounding muscles. Not only this but if you have been injured, the heat can increase blood flow by dilating the blood vessels, which will help to promote healing. Spas can take the edge…


Fancy Dress Inspiration

Career costumes offer endless possibilities for someone looking to stand out at a dress-up party. The selection of themed uniforms associated with different careers is almost limitless. We have put together a brief guide, revealing some of the best career-based fancy dress ideas for you to consider for your next party.  Appearing at an event or party dressed as a police officer is one option to explore. To make your best copper impression look authentic, do not stop with the classic blue police uniform. Accessorise with care by adding police equipment, such as handcuffs, badges or even a whistle. Mirror sunglasses also offer a great way to act the tough cop. Nursing is another career that offers almost limitless possibilities when dressing up for a party. The traditional nurse uniform…