11 Top Tips For Raising Kids As A Single Parent

If you're a single parent, taking care of the kids can be a daunting task. Having to switch roles as a mother and a father at the same time means that your responsibilities are almost unlimited. The enabling environment you provide for your kids will play a big role in their development. So, here are 11 tips to help you out with the kids as a single parent.  Seek support when necessary Image Credit Single-parenting can bring about feelings of loneliness. Though you may try to stay strong, there are moments when feelings of isolation will weigh you down as a single parent. Instead of trying to do it all by yourself, consider seeking external child support from your neighborhood. Talk to family and other parents in your zone, and…


Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses many unique challenges for you as a parent. Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) One of the most commonly affected areas involves sleep. Good sleep during pregnancy is certainly important, but so too is adequate rest postpartum and into childhood for both you and your child. As your child ages, lost sleep usually results from their inability to sleep. If they can’t fall asleep, have bad dreams, or wake up frequently, then they may wake you up directly or indirectly through the noise they make. Making matters worse, they’ll suffer from the effects of poor sleep. Losing even a few hours of sleep is enough to cause negative effects on their mood, energy, and cognitive skills, especially for…


Top Ways to Keep Your Family Physically and Mentally Stimulated During The Pandemic

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 global pandemic has taken a toll on the world. Every country, every sector, and of course, every home can testify to the fact that it has not been easy. Media coverage has clued us in as to how countries and certain industries have been coping during this time. But the family unit is out of the public eye and equally getting hit in more ways than one.  Image Credit  But if there’s one thing about the human race that’s constant, it's our ability to adapt and find ways to thrive. Based on that, it's important to seek out ways to keep you and your loved ones stimulated during these gloomy times. Mental health management is just as important as the physical aspect in…


Mental Health Management

Mental health might be a little harder to manage than usual. Especially at the moment with Coronavirus stopping people from doing the things they love. You might manage your mental health by going to work. Perhaps by socializing or seeing loved ones. Everyone is different, but unfortunately Covid has shifted life. Managing one's mental health isn’t always easy, but it can be easier. When you’re trying to do this while working a full time job, being a parent, etc. it can all add up and overpower quite quickly. The tips below can help shift your perspective. Remember though, especially when it comes to mental health, people are different. What works for one might not work at all for another. It’s important to apply any advice you see in a bespoke…


4 Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy

4 Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy There are many jobs that you are going to need to take on as a parent. Some are harder than others, but they all need to combine to help you and your family stay safe, secure, healthy, and happy. It may sound like an impossible job, but the truth is that, once you get into a good routine, things will start to fall into place and come much more naturally. It’s getting into that all-important routine that is the important part, and that can be hard, especially if you have other commitments. One of the things that you must always make time for, but which, when you actually look more closely into it, is something that can do everything we have mentioned above,…


How Lockdown Can Warp Your Sense Of Time

Few people with any social conscience would question the reasoning behind lockdown, when a pandemic that has killed upwards of half a million people worldwide shows no signs of going away. And those of us who understand the importance of not just avoiding infection for ourselves, but also of not passing it on to the most vulnerable, would never resent quarantine. Pixabay - CCO Licence However, one of the things that has been particularly difficult about these last few months, for a huge number of people, is that there has seemed to be no definitive end. 2020 started nearly seven months ago, but it’s been tough to track the passage of time. In some ways, the year could be just a couple of months ago while in others, it feels…


5 Ways To Manage Chronic Pain

Pain is an indicator given to you from your central nervous system to let you know that there is something wrong. Pain lets you know that you need to move away from a fire or you might get burnt. Without pain, you would put yourself in harmful situations all of the time.  Most pain goes away in time. Your body heals and you gradually feel better. But what if that pain doesn’t go away? If you are feeling pain much of the time and it doesn’t ever naturally go, then you have chronic pain.  Image Credit Pixabay.com License CC0  There can be all kinds of chronic pain, and it is essential that you seek medical treatment for the cause of the pain. However, in the meantime, you will still need…


Home Entertainment For Kids

Home Entertainment For Kids When parents think about entertaining their children, places like the cinema and amusement parks might be the first things that spring to mind. However, there are plenty of activities that you can do at home which are sure to delight your children. Let’s look at some of the best options that you might want to explore. Set Up A Home Movie Night One of the best ways to keep your children entertained is by putting on their favorite films. It’s also really easy to set up a home movie night. For example, you’ll often be able to get some popcorn which you can cook in the microwave. If you want to, you can even purchase a projector, so you’ll be able to watch the movie under…