The dreaded phone call from the school

A little bit after 1PM, I received the dreaded call from the school that Elliott was not feeling well. I spoke with him and he sounded pretty awful. He said that he was nauseous and tried to make it through the day, but he couldn't go on. He made most of the day and that's a good thing. I spoke with the school again and we agreed that he tried and that it was best if I came and got him. We also agreed that this is very likely emotionally based but that doesn't make what he's feeling any less real. As such, Gavin and I went to pick him up. It was late enough in the day that I would normally have picked up Emmett as well. Being that…


This is why my youngest with #Autism begged us to pull him out of his school

Tonight, I'm just going to get into what happened at the school to make Emmett want us to pull him out. I'm too tired to deal with all the Cleveland Clinic stuff tonight as well. I'll get to that a bit later. As the school year enters its forth week, we've noticed Emmett is becoming increasingly more distressed. His tummy aches are back and he's not wanting to go to school. We didn't know there was a specific something going on that was causing these issues. Emmett's no stranger to tummy aches in the morning and while it's generally a sign that he's stressed out, the cause of that stress could literally be anything. More often than not, he's never able to tell us what's bothering him and it takes…


Emmett’s teacher told me the most amazing thing today

This will be quick because I'm going to bed but I wanted to share this first. When I picked up the boys from school this afternoon, one of Emmett's teachers came out to talk to me for a minute before dismissal. She wanted to me to know how much they love having Emmett in their class. She went on and on about how he's such an amazing role model for his classmates. Apparently, he's even tutoring some of the kids in his class. He was given a chance to go outside and play but instead chose to stay in and help some of his classmates. ☺ That's such an awesome thing to hear about one of my kids. We already know that our kids are amazing but it's nice to…


A chaotic but successful morning

It was a somewhat chaotic morning but we got out the door and off to the first day or school without too many problems. Emmett was clearly very anxious to get to school on time and by contrast, Elliott was more relaxed on the outside but anxious on the inside. Anyway, we had a successful morning and the boys are now safely back in school.

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We had orientation tonight

Orientation went great tonight. We were there for all of about thirty minutes in total, but it was a quality thirty minutes. ☺ Anyway, we met the boys teachers, most we knew already but some we met for the first time. There are some cool changes this school year, the biggest being that they will have martial arts every day. Emmett's loving that. Elliott, not so much. I feel like we're in a good place to start the school year. I'm not sure what how things will actually pan out but I feel comfortable that the kids are comfortable. Emmett's a bit nervous but he's also very excited. Elliott's just excited, at least on the surface. He may be nervous on the inside and we just don't know it yet.…


I’m so proud – Check out the awards my kids earned at school

I want to take a minute and share some awesome achievements the boys have made in school. We have reached the end of the grading period and awards have been given out. They have a little awards ceremony but parents aren't allowed to be there. That's sucks cause I'd love to be present. Anyway, both Elliott and Emmett have done great. Lizze and I couldn't be any prouder of them. Check out the awards below. ☺ Click the image below to open the gallery... ☺ [foogallery id="79001"]


A MAJOR Victory flew under the radar yesterday

Yesterday was a rather challenging day for me personally, but I muddled my way through it. In all the frustration, stress and otherwise chaotic events of yesterday, something didn't get mentioned that should have. For years we've struggled with Elliott and homework. It didn't matter what it was or how much he had, it was a nightmare. There were plenty of times I was hanging on by a thread because the whole homework thing was too much. I don't know what happened or when it actually began but Elliott's attitude towards homework has changed. He does his homework right away and without issue. In fact, lately he's been working on his homework on the way home from school, like you see in the picture above. This deserves to be mentioned…


He’s NOT faking this

Emmett isn't feeling well again this morning and rather than encourage him to go to school and at least try to see if he'll feel better, we're keeping him home. The main reason we're keeping him home is because we'd have to pull him out anyway for his appointment this morning. I don't know what time his appointment is because I haven't heard back yet but I'm supposed to hear something within the next hour. As I mentioned previously, I'm at a loss with the situation. Emmett is not making this up and he's truly miserable. To the absolute best of my knowledge, he's not trying to get out of going to school either. No one who knows him thinks that at all. I just wish we could figure out…

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