A significant increase in security at my kids school today

The boys did awesome this morning. They got ready for school and out the door with very little effort, at least compared to what it's been like recently. I took them to school and when I dropped them off, I noticed a major change at the door. Every child is scanned for metal objects prior to entering. This is totally new and I was sorta taken a back by this at first but then I was forced to remember the reasons behind this. I'm angry that something like this is necessary but I'm grateful that the proper precautions are being taken in order to help insure the safety and we'll being of our kids. So far, there have been several changes within the school to address possible safety concerns. I…


How we’re going to address the problems at school

Lizze and I were discussing the school issues that have become an unwelcome visitors in our lives. It's pretty obvious to us that there are no good options because we'd likely be trading one problem for another. What we've decided to do at this point is preserve the current status quo. That being said, we will be working to address the concerns we have by pushing for the school to be open to parental involvement. Currently, there's no PTA and no forum for parents to voice their concerns or have their voices heard. This isn't how it used to be. Before the PTA disappeared, Lizze and I were heavily involved. In fact, Lizze was the PTA President. I think one of the biggest issues revolves around the fact that there…


#Autism Parenting: Picking the BEST of the WORST options

We have therapy for the boys tonight but Lizze isn't feeling well and she will probably stay behind. It will likely be the boys and I heading out tonight. Tonight's focus is going to be on school for Elliott and Emmett. We have to figure something out because while the boys like school, they're also miserable at the same time, albeit for different reasons. This needs to be a very serious discussion about our options. I'm hoping Lizze feels up to going but but if not, we've discussed it amongst ourselves already and have reached a consensus. We both agree that the status quo isn't in the best interest of the kids. What we do about it is where we become less sure of ourselves. At this point, I feel…


Welcome to my fricking nightmare, and it’s only 8 AM

The boys are going to their grandparents for a little while today. It's spend some time with Grandma day, and it should be fun form the boys. Y Unfortunately, Emmett is still finishing up some of his make up work, and it's due in the morning. He's freaking out over not being done and is completely overwhelmed by everything related to school anymore. Lizze and I are taking turns trying to help him, and it's not going well. It's not going well at all. Emmett is freaking the fuck out and throwing things around the living room. Have I mentioned lately, how much I hate school and homework? He's just not coping well, and I don't know how to help him anymore. I just sent his teachers a message, and…


Elliott came home from school sobbing

Elliott had what could only be classified as a bad day at school today. At dismissal, Elliott was escorted to the car by one of his teachers. Elliott was apparently upset and had clearly been crying. I don't like seeing that, and I immediately kick into protective mode, as most parents would. I also understand that things aren't always as they appear. The teacher was frustrated with Elliott, and I can understand that, as I find myself there on occasion as well. What I heard from the teacher sounded like Elliott but what I didn't like was the way it was presented to me in a public place, in front of Emmett and everyone else being dismissed. There was a tone that I didn't feel was appropriate when discussing the…


Looks like we’re tempting fate once again

Unfortunately, Elliott is still running a fever tonight and that means he won't be in school again. He doesn't appear sick in any way, shape or form, but a fever is a fever. I am contemplating getting him into the pediatrician, just to make sure all is well. Elliott's not going to like that because he's absolutely terrified of all doctors, but at the end of the day, we need to make sure he's okay and that we have a doctors note. I'm not sure that's going to matter but it's not going to hurt to ensure we have as much documentation as possible. I'm hoping that Elliott's fever runs its course and he can return to school. I put the wellbeing of my kids before any ridiculously blanketed, State…


We’re risking the wrath of the school attendance God’s

Unfortunately, Elliott never fell asleep last night and when we checked his temperature, he was back up to 100.7°F. He's not complaining of anything but his cheeks are red and he's well above the school's 99.5°F, fever policy. I took a screenshot of his temperature records from this morning, and sent it to the school office. It's nothing official but it does corroborate the fact that Elliott's running a fever. I also expressed my frustration with this new policy and they quickly replied that they absolutely understand/share my frustration. I've no solid understanding of how this is going to impact Elliott's attendance plight, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Frankly, I'm trying not to give two shits about what the new policy says and simply do what's best for…


Does Ohio even care about Special Needs kids and their education?

I haven't spoken much about this since I originally shared it but Ohio has a new school attendance policy. It's aimed at reeling in the chronically truant, but ends up overreaching because it's a blanket policy, regardless of circumstance. We received a warning letter last week because according to the new policy, Emmett can only miss one more day of school for the rest of the year, excused or otherwise. That's my understanding anyway. Both boys missed 8 days while we were in Florida on Gavin's Wish Trip and those counted against them. Emmett missed 4 or 5 days before that when he had a respiratory infection, giving him a total of 13 missed days. The State of Ohio isn't taking into account that kids with special needs are going…