We made a difficult decision about Gavin’s current emotional status

I meant to publish this update the other day but I've been a bit distracted. Lizze and I met with Dr. Pattie on Tuesday night to discuss what we should do in regards to Gavin's current psychotic break.  The reality is that there is very little that we can do, aside from possibly adjusting his meds. The decision basically revolves around whether or not to increase his Clozapine dose. While this may not seem like a tough decision, it really is for a number of reasons. Clozapine is not a medication to be messed with, if it can be avoided.  That being said, it's also the only medication that has a history of actually working on Gavin.  It either quiets the voices or makes them silent all together. Gavin is…


We have a very serious decision to make

I heard back from Gavin's psychiatrist today and we have a very, very difficult decision to make, in regards to Gavin's current psychotic break.  Dr. Reynolds explained that we can increase Gavin's Clozapine dose back up to 800mg a day, if we feel he's that bad or that far gone.  He's currently on 600mg/day right now because when we had to start over the last time, we stopped when we reached 600mg/day.  It seemed to be working at the lower dose and because the danger inherent to this medication, if it worked at the lower dose, we were better off stopping there.  Bumping him up to 800mg/day would put him back where he was before we started over.  We had to get special approval to have him in the 800mg/day…