Interview with Dr.Jason Kahn of Mightier

In today's episode, I have a conversation with Dr. Jason Kahn, PhD. Dr. Kahn is a researcher from Boston Children's Hospital, an instructor at Harvard, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Mightier. Mightier is a program that helps kids learn to self-regulate their emotions by playing video games. That means fewer emotional outbursts or meltdowns, and a reduction of parental stress. This program is absolutely amazing and works for pretty much anyone. I speak with Dr. Kahn about how Mightier was developed, the science behind is and why it works so well. If your child is struggling with meltdowns or emotional outbursts, PLEASE listen and check out Mightier. I've been using it with my youngest for almost a year and it's amazing. You can check out my full review at…


The 800 Pound Gorilla

In this very brief, last-minute episode, I share my thoughts on Autism Speaks “Light It Up Blue” campaign. I talk about how Autism Awareness month has lost its meaning and I give you some ideas on how you can help raise awareness in ways that make a difference in peoples lives. Autism Awareness Month should be about people and not money.


This Week’s Pod: Bittersweet Victories

In this episode, I talk about what many of us face from time to time. Bittersweet Victories are the kind of victory that comes after a loss. In the case of my family, Gavin is losing significant skills and while we are heartbroken to see this loss, he still managed to do something for the first time. While any loss is a negative thing, any progress is worth celebrating.Hence, Bittersweet Victories. Please take a moment and share this Pod.. ☺

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Supporting #Autistic Artists with Harish Bikmal

I'm really excited about this weeks episode of The Autism Dad Podcast. I interview Harish Bikmal (an Autism Dad) about his Social Benefit Enterprise called Zenaviv and how they are helping Autistic artists. This is some very cool stuff and I really wanted to bring this to my audience as a whole because so many of you could potentially benefit from this.  In a nutshell, Zenaviv embraces and promotes artists with Autism or other special needs. They bring their amazing talents to the public and help the artist earn a living. Each artist retains at least 66% of each sale and retains all rights to their work, as well as the original art itself.  Lizze and I were sent some samples of what these amazingly talented artists are producing and…

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An Assault of Verbiage

I'm doing something a bit different with this episode of The Autism Dad Podcast. Last week I was supposed to be interviewing Harish Bikmal, the founder of Zenaviv. Unfortunately, there were some technical issues that interfered with recording and I had to reschedule. In order to sorta fill in the gap, I thought I would finally get to one of the requests I have been getting. Check out the bonus episode below and let me know what you think.. ☺


Why are #Autism parents Judged so Harshly? (S1E5)

If you're an Autism or Special Needs parent, you are probably all too aware of what it feels like to be judged by those around you. My wife and I are no exceptions. I know how bad it feels to be judged and I see how badly others are impacted by this as well. Because this impacts so many people, I wanted to devote an episode to talk about judgment. It's so important to help people understand how their words and actions can impact others. Give this a listen and then pass it along to someone who could use the insight or would benefit from being reminded that they aren't alone.. ☺


What You Need To Know About #Meltdowns

This week's episode is all about Sensory Processing Disorder and meltdowns. These are extremely important topics that cause a great deal of confusion. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and Meltdowns are two of the most commonly misunderstood things that an Autistic person can experience. Even more confusing is how to know the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum. Those words are used interchangeably and that’s a major problem, leading to a great deal of misinformation. This week's episode of The Autism Dad podcast will help to explain how these things can impact people and how to tell the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum. You’ll also hear from Emmett, my youngest, as he talks about how SPD impacts his life on a daily basis. I decided to publish this…