Brenda Bisner on The Dangers of Unsupervised Online Streaming (S2E7)

(S2S7) In this episode, I talk with Brenda Bisner. She's the SVP of A Parent Media Co Inc. the creators of the SAFE STREAMING Platform, Kidoodle.TV. We talk about online streaming and the many dangers that parents are sometimes unaware of. We also discuss ways that parents can better manage what their kids are watching. This is a very important conversation and I walked away from this understanding that I need to make some changes in my household. Do you need to make some changes in yours? You can find Brenda at Kidoodle.TV You can find me at Find me on Twitter: @theautismdad This episode is sponsored by Visit and use code "theautismdad" to save 15% on their amazing sensory tools. This episode is sponsored by Mightier.…


LifeTown is a gift to the #specialneeds community (S2E6)

(S2E6) I speak with Rabbi Zalman Grossbaun and Jonah Zimilies from LifeTown. LifeTown is a 53,000 sq foot facility built to service the special needs community in Livingston, New Jersey. New Jersey has the highest rate of children with autism in the United States, and the largest population of children on the spectrum live in Essex County. LifeTown is designed to provide desperately needed services for those in the special needs community, as well as help bridge the gaps with the general public. This is an absolutely amazing facility and what's happening in Livingston, New Jersey needs to happen all over this country. You can find LifeTown at You can find Words Bookstore at This is episode is sponsored by Check out their amazing sensory products and…

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Melissa Hruza on and funding teachers? (S2E5)

This week Melissa Hruza, Director of Marketing and Corporate Sponsorships at stopped by to discuss how they are helping teachers and students all over the country, find the funding they need. So many teachers have to pay for classroom necessities out of their own pocket and that's simply unacceptable. is a national, award-winning nonprofit that provides the most flexible and accountable funding for K-12 teachers and schools throughout the U.S. Their proprietary, easy-to-use education fundraising platform helps teachers, principals, and administrators give every child the tools they deserve to succeed in school. Since 1998, they have raised more than $36 million and supported 4.5 million students. As a 501(c)(3) organization, they hold a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator.  In other words, they are doing amazing things for our…


(S2E4) Dr. John Kruse on what Donald Trump can teach us about adult ADHD

(S2E4) In this episode, I have a conversation with Dr. John Kruse, MD, PhD about all things ADHD, including his brand new book titled "Recognizing Adult ADHD: What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Dr. Kruse has 25 years of psychiatric experience and specializes in treating adults with ADHD, that's right, adults. I talk with him about his new book and he debunks some of the most common myths surrounding ADHD. Learn the facts about what ADHD is and how it can seriously impact a person's life, and why he believes Donald Trump has it, you need to listen to this episode.  You can find me: Website: Twitter:   You can find Dr. Kruse: Website: Facebook: Twitter: You can grab his…


Lindsay Fogarty: The Rare Disease Mom (New Pod S2E3)

In this week's episode of The Autism Dad Podcast, I speak with my good friend and fellow Autism parent, Lindsay Fogarty. She's an Autism, rare disease and patient advocate, as well as, a blogger and volunteer lobbyist. We talk about why she's called "The Rare Disease Mom", what her daily life is like, what she's doing to raise awareness and help others. This is a very powerful, uplifting and inspirational conversation. Go grab a snack and enjoy the great conversation. ☺Lindsay can be found at and on twitter @rarediseasemom Subscribe via your favorite app by clicking a button. :-) The presenting sponsor for this episode of The Autism Dad Podcast is Lakikid. Visit for more information. 

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New Episode: Joel Manzer (S2E2)

In this week's episode of The Autism Dad podcast, I speak with my good friend Joel Manzer of Autisable. We talk about his current endeavors to benefit the Autism community, as well as have a discussion about some things that going on in the community that cause tension. We have some opinions. Whatever you do, don't miss out. ☺ This episode is sponsored by


Navigating #Divorce with #Autistic Kids

It's been a little while but Season 2 of The Autism Dad podcast is finally underway. I really appreciate your patience and understanding as I sorted through some difficult life events this year. In this first episode of the new season, I talk about one of those difficult life events. Divorce is difficult for any child but Autistic children can be more profoundly impacted by the massive changes that divorce brings to their lives. There are a few simple things we can do to help them survive and eventually adapt to this massive change in their lives. I'm by no means an expert, but I can share my personal experiences, as well as some commonsense advice. Remember to please share and subscribe on your favorite podcast app. ☺ This episode…


Tragedy and Topics: #Podcast Season 2 Update

I wanted to pass along the quick trailer for Season 2 of The Autism Dad Podcast. I quickly bring people up to speed on the recent changes that are impacting my life and the lives of my kids. I also talk about the topics to be discussed during this coming season and show you how you can sponsor and/or be a part of an episode if you're interested. I really appreciate your patience and support. It's been a rough year and I'm working very hard to get my feet back underneath me once again. Season 2 is pretty exciting for me and I can't wait to get started. ☺