Emmett didn’t go to school today and it’s thrown our day off

Unfortunately, Emmett didn't go to school this morning. He's having an okay morning but it's obvious that something's isn't right. Elliott did really awesome this morning and we got off to school on time, even besting bus 38... ☺ Emmett being home has thrown our day off, but we've adjusted and have been able to move forward regardless.  We also have a sick cat that had to get into the vet this morning. She's had explosive diarrhea and it wasn't getting better. The first appointment they had available was 9:30 AM this morning.  Thankfully, she's going to be okay but we have quite a bit of medicine to force feed her for the next few days. Fun..... 


Emmett’s running another fever tonight because what’s 1 more missed day of school 

Emmett spent the evening in the worst mood imaginable. He had a zero tolerance for everything. Several meltdowns were had in a relatively short period of time, with each one being as unpleasant as the next.  I decided to check Emmett's temperature and son of a bitch, he's running a fever. It's low grade and just under 101°F, but it's another piece of the puzzle.  Unfortunately, the school has a fever policy and anyone with a temperature of 99.5°F is sent home. They've bumped that up a little bit for Emmett but at the moment, he's still over the limit.  We've been suspecting for a few days now that he was hitting a fever flare, but the demeanor and fever pretty much confirm it now.  He has state testing tomorrow…


New health concerns for 2 of my kids with #Autism 

I haven't had the energy to catch you up on a couple of things that are causing us to be concerned, in regards to the kids.  I'll start with Emmett because we learned something new about his fever disorder, while we were at the immunologist the other day.  She is the doctor that handles his fever disorder, as well as Gavin's Immunodeficiency, everyone's asthma and seasonal allergies. She also handles Elliott food allergies.  When it comes to Emmett's fever disorder, we have been chasing this thing since he was roughly a year old.  Fever cycles consist of many different and evolving symptoms. What we refer to as a flare up, presents with mouth sores, joints that are hot to the touch, massive mood swings and sometimes a fever. These symptoms…


Emmett’s Fever Flares have returned

I had a really tough time falling asleep last night. I wasn't even feeling stressed out or anything like that. I just couldn't get comfortable and ended up moving to the couch about 4 am.  Anyway, Emmett has up on and off last night. In fact, he's been this way for the last few nights.  This morning when it came time to get ready for school, we finally pieced together why he's been struggling more than usual. It's a fever flare.  I mentioned earlier in the week that we could be looking at one but I wasn't going to jump to conclusions or possibly even jinx anyone by making that suggestion out loud.  Today however, Emmett is actually running a fever and can't go to school. Truthfully, I don't think…


Emmett’s fever flares may have returned 

On Saturday night, Emmett began complaining of his mouth hurting. When I checked it out for him, I found a rather large mouth sore on the inside of his lip.  This may end up being nothing more than a random cold sore but Emmett's never had random cold sores. When these painful little things show up, it's always been because he was entering into a fever flare.  He's been really, really grumpy today and hasn't been eating much. All of these things are classic signs of a flare but he hasn't had one since early last year...  🙁  We'll have to see how he's doing in the morning before we know how school will be handled. If he's in pain, we can kiss him wearing shoes and socks goodbye because…