It’s not my responsibility to make sure that other people do their job

I'm starting to feel kinda miserable. It's been about 14 hours since my second booster and I'm definitely feeling it. I don't mind the sore arm, and headache, but the exhaustion is the worst. I was already exhausted and now I'm even more so. I crashed for a couple hours before dinner because I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Despite how I'm feeling, I did manage to make progress in regards to Gavin's social security name change. I was able to get a certified copy of his adoption paperwork, as well as, his birth certificate. I just need to finish filling out the paperwork and then drop it off at the local social security office. They've assured me that they will take it from there. I'm going to assume…


Navigating The In-Between

So last night was pretty rough. We're coming up on the one year mark since Lizze moved out and while I feel like the kids are doing better, there's still a tremendous amount of pain. Each of the kids deal with everything in different ways. Gavin simply accepts whatever he's told, never questioning anything. Emmett doesn't want to make waves, so he largely avoids any type of conflict but is angry. Elliott accepts nothing and keeps everything bottled up until he explodes. It was like an emotional nuclear bomb exploded in my living room last night. Elliott unloaded a great deal of what he's been keeping inside and all I could really do was listen. I don't agree with everything he said but I won't take away how he feels.…