My kids are f*cking ridiculous and I’m so thankful for them

I had a rough time sleeping last night but I did manage some sleep and I'm so grateful for that. Emmett made it almost the entire night in his own bed and I'm really proud of him. I was struggling a bit yesterday and I neglected to share some of the positives we experienced. As it's Thanksgiving here in the States, I wanted to share some things I'm thankful for. Let's start with my ridiculous kids. The other day, I took them to the park where we go walking. It was after therapy and it was very dark out. The only thing creating any light were the Christmas lights that the kids wanted to walk around and look at. It was really dark and frankly kind of creepy, so I…

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#Depression is kicking my ass tonight

I'm going to keep this short and sweet because my head is pounding and I need sleep. Writing has become a bit more challenging for me lately. Depression is exerting a good deal of control over my life right now. I'm working to regain control but it's not easy. I'm very overwhelmed and I'm constantly dropping the ball, or at least it feels like I'm. I will be trying to get back to writing but for the moment, I'm spread incredibly thin. The podcast is taking a great deal of time and energy but it's helping to pay the bills. I've got Christmas to worry about, along with a million other things. I'm so tired and I feel defeated. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm clinging to hope that…


My f*cking head is going to explode

It's been a frustrating day for me. I had some unexpected issues arise that needed to be dealt with immediately and that thrust a heaping helping of additional stress on to me. I definitely didn't need that right now. On the positive side, the boys got to school and I went walking. I was able to pull off my interview this afternoon as well but I wasn't in the best mindset to do that today. I'm hoping it will turn out okay. Mr. Gavin is overwhelming me with his constant chatter. He has this compulsive need to narrate his life. It can be a lot to deal with on a good day and this is definitely not a good day.. He's constantly talking and I'm at a point where I…


Unfortunately, he’s not feeling well today

It was another long night. Emmett went to bed not feeling well, but I assumed it was likely emotional in nature. My thought was that he was upset because he didn't get to see his mom this weekend like he was supposed to. She hasn't been feeling well and missed their Wednesday visit also. It's upsetting for the boys but it's not like it's anyone's fault. Before canceling this weekend, she had gone to Stat Care, which is our local version of a walk-in-clinic. Turns out she has strep throat and we sincerely hope she's feeling better. Her and the boys have always been very susceptible to strep for some reason. It's always been that way and if we get it here in my house, the kids will just pass…

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The perfect gift for those with wandering loved ones

What’s a gift option that shows how much you care? Not socks, a video game or a gift card. How about the Find’em™ Scent Safe? Find’em is endorsed as a proactive way to protect children, older adults, those with Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease as well as Autism. Find’em is a scent collection and storage system that’s intended to assist a search dog team with a viable, uncontaminated scent article of a missing person. “A person’s scent is as unique as their fingerprint,” explains Find’em Scent Safe Developer Dr. Coby Webb. “When someone is missing, a search dog can determine the direction for other resources to begin looking. Deploying a dog team is  proven to save invaluable time in locating loved ones.” Dr. Webb is a police captain and bloodhound handler who…


I can’t take many more of these

We had a pretty exhausting and frustrating day. I mentioned last night that there would likely be some fallout from our exciting evening at my brother's house last night and I wasn't wrong. Our day didn't start off well. Emmett was up very early with nightmares once again. It's getting old for a number of reasons. For one thing, Emmett is miserable at bedtime and these nightmares really leave him shaken. He ends up running into my room at some God awful hour and that's pretty much it for me as far as sleep goes for that night. I don't remember exactly what time he came into my room last night but this is how he clings to me. It's impossible for me to sleep because he tosses and turns…


We had a blast but there will likely be fallout

The boys and I had a really good day. We went to my brother's house around 4pm for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. We started this tradition where we have a Thanksgiving dinner a week early when everyone is available. We still have one on Thanksgiving as well for anyone who can make it, but this way, we can all be in the same place at the same time. We had a fantastic time. I got to spend time with my siblings and the kids got to hang out with their cousins. Everyone ate too much and we're all exhausted. I imagine there will be some fallout from this over the next day or so but we'll manage. Gavin is the one I'm most concerned about. He got really, really worked up…

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He woke up shaking and in tears

Emmett climbed into bed about 4am again this morning. That pretty much was the end of any restful sleep for me. He'd had another nightmare and was upset to the point where he was shaking and in tears. He adhered himself to my left side, wouldn't let go and never fell back asleep. I went to bed relatively early and so I still managed some sleep but I'm feeling drained at this point. Unfortunately, we have to get moving because we have plans for today and I have work to do before we can leave. Assuming Elliott's doing okay, we're going to my brother's house for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is going different directions on Thanksgiving day so by having a dinner tonight, everyone will be able to attend.…