Back at @AkronChildrens Hospital again today

It's been a crazy busy morning. Elliott never fell asleep and Emmett was up on and off throughout the night as well. Both boys made it to school today but Elliott was in an awful mood. Emmett was only there for a short time cause as soon as I was done walking, I needed to get him to Akron Children's Hospital for his eye exam. Emmett's been complaining about seeing spots that actually block his vision. He thought it was normal, so he never said anything about it until recently. We're currently in the dilation room waiting for the second part of his exam. He's doing pretty good, even though he hates the eye drops. I'll let you know how it goes.


I spoke with the school again today

It's been an exhausting day and I'm not even halfway through it. I have three more appointments before dinner and I'm running on empty. I spoke with the school and met with Emmett's teacher to discuss the problems with his journal entries. They're very flexible with the topics and happy to work with him. Emmett and I spent some time working on school work this morning and brainstorming ideas for his journal. Shortly after lunch, he went to spend some time with my Mom. I feel that he needed this time and it will do him some good. It's probably the best thing I could have done for him today and all I can do is what I feel is right. I'm getting ready to walk into therapy for myself…


One step closer

Part of preparing for our upcoming trip is getting Ruby ready to be boarded. In order to do that, she needed a check up and a vaccine for kennel cough. Emmett was with me at this point and we took Ruby to the vet together. He was a big help and Ruby did awesome. She didn't need muzzled and that is always a good thing. Ruby is a really good dog but the first time she met the vet, she was really freaked out and kept growling. She had to be muzzled as a precaution. Since then, she's done great and yesterday was no expection. Afterwards, we figured we'd take her for a short walk and sorta reward her for doing such a good job. We ended up at the…


Welcome to the f*cking brink of insanity

I'm getting very close to the end of my rope today and teetering on the brink of insanity. My kids are amazing and I love the completely. They are, however, struggling a great deal and it's impacting every aspect of our lives. Elliott has been in a horrible mood, all day long. He's being mean to his brother and refusing to cooperate at every turn. I happen to know that he's very angry, scared, confused and heartbroken. I also know that he's desperately trying to regain some control in his life and is taking it to an extreme. I get it and I'm not angry but this isn't productive and we need to find better ways of managing our pain. Emmett had a massive emotional breakdown tonight. He was trying…


This kids inspires me every single day

A rough night lead to a challenging morning but all was not lost. Emmett had nightmares all night long. They were particularly cruel and unrelenting this time. To make matters worse, he woke up around 5:30 AM with a nose bleed. By the time the alarm went off, he was pretty much on the verge of a panic attack. He was shaking, nauseous and exhausted. He was already convinced that he was not going to be able to manage school today. We were supposed to bump things up to 2 hours a day this week and he was freaking out. The poor kid was completely over his limit and it wasn't looking like a particularly good start to the week, even by Monday's standards. Rather than give up, I encouraged…

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I’m trying to reestablish our daily routine

I'm working very hard to get us into a routine again. Part of that is getting everyone more involved in the day to day responsibilities around the house. Gavin is doing awesome in this category. As Elliott and Emmett get older, they need to take on more responsibility. One recent example of this was dealing with the newly bought groceries. We hit the grocery store on Sunday afternoon and picked up at least some of what we needed. The kids we fresh off a visit and that made things a bit more challenging but we got it done. When we got home, Gavin bought the groceries into the house while the rest of us cleaned out the fridge and put everything away. Everyone played a role. Emmett cleaned out the…


Have I said how proud of him I am?

This week marks another step towards getting Emmett back to school full time. As of bedtime, he was maintaining a positive outlook and I'm so proud of him for that. The plan for this week is to stay at school for 2 - 2.5 hours before I come pick him up. I think he's going to do great. His attitude is "I don't feel bad about going and I don't feel super excited either, but I think I can do it." Have I said I'm proud of him yet? ☺


It’s so f*cking heartbreaking

The boys came home around noon today and Elliott was in a mood from the moment he walked in the door. Visits are a mixed bag for any kid but when you factor in the complexity that Autism brings to the party, it's even more so. A mixed reaction to a visit with his mom doesn't necessarily reflect a bad visit. It's just a very difficult thing emotionally, to navigate and transition struggles are expected. That being said, he did eventually sit down and talk with me after he had a pretty big emotional outburst. Elliott doesn't like talking about his feelings and I can understand that, but we have to know what's going on in order to better help him. It's absolutely a work in progress but progress is…

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