The exception to the rule

Elliott's still asleep at 11 AM. I checked on him and he said he was fine. He seems to have slept well and that's good, cause he needs his rest. I haven't checked his temperature yet but he hasn't been coughing or anything like that. I'm hoping that this passes quickly and without incident. Unfortunately, the reality is that these things tend to linger, especially in Elliott's case. It would be great if this was the exception to the rule.


How I’m preparing my family for #COVID19

With COVID19 spreading across the globe, the CDC has said it's not a matter of if but when. While panic isn't advisable, being prepared is. My kids are concerned about the virus impacting us directly. They're far too smart to be placated and rather than try, only to make things worse, I've decided to take a different approach. I've explained the facts, as I know them, and helped them to better understand and put COVID19 into perspective. It's incredibly important to only get information from reputable sources. Those sources include the CDC, public health officials and trained medical professionals. My personal source of information is a new friend of mine, Dr. Tara Smith. You may recall she was a guest on the pod this season. You can listen below. Anyway,…


Fevers, Podcasts and Maintaining Hope For The Future

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning. Emmett's bouncing off the walls and Elliott is still running a high fever. All things considered, being overwhelmed is okay because I'm continuing to push forward. I spoke with Lizze and apparently, she's sick as well. The kids were with her on Wednesday and Elliott became ill on Thursday evening. The other two seem to be doing fine and I am as well. It could be coincidence though because Lizze and Elliott are presenting very differently. Who the hell knows. Anyway, I'm trying to keep him contained in his room for a bit today. I'd very much like to limit the risks to the rest of us, especially Gavin. I need to get to the grocery store today and work on the house…


Houston, we have a fever

Nothing is ever easy in The Autism Dad household. I was able to get to sleep early last night but woke up because Elliott wasn't feeling well. Long story short, he didn't sleep well and was under the weather. I did manage to get Emmett to school, which was a bit challenging because he doesn't like going alone. Anyway, Elliott went back to bed and woke up a little while ago with a fever of almost 103°F. I'm not sure if it's a cold or not but he's very congested and has a headache. It sorta seems like the status quo for when he gets sick. It's usually upper respiratory in nature and sets in rapidly. I just have to watch him closely because he's prone to pneumonia and other…


I just want him to be a kid

I thought I would share this because it's both funny and a bit reassuring for me personally. So Emmett has completely taken over the dining room with a giant blanket fort and refuses to let me take it down. I know I could do it anyway but he's not hurting anything and it's something that helps him feel a bit more in control. Obviously, it can't stay there forever but I think I'll let him be a kid for a good long while. He's dealing with so many grown-up issues right now and I hate that he's growing up so fast. Is it really a crime if I encourage him to just be a kid right now?


Adaptability is a job requirement for an #Autism parent

Our start to the day has been a bit meh. Elliott and Emmett were both up and moving super early. Emmett wasn't feeling well and I decided to give him a late start, rather than miss the whole day. I got Elliott to school and then spent the next two hours trying to help Emmett. I figured he wasn't actually sick but like Elliott yesterday, he's upset about something and it's causing him distress. I did manage to get him to school by 10:00 AM. So far so good. In a short while, I need to have Gavin to a doctor's appointment. He's still seeing his pediatrician for a number of reasons but I'm going to need to eventually move him to his own PCP but that's a problem for…


Today proved to be challenging due to several unexpected events

Pretty much nothing has gone as planned today. The boys got to school and I went walking but everything thing else sorta derailed. I recieved a call that Emmett's doctor was out sick today and his appointment would have to be rescheduled. I hope he feels better and this did free me up a bit. At the same time, Emmett had planned on things happening a certain way and unexpected changes can be difficult. I did call the school and they relayed the message. I won't know for sure how he's doing until I see him. I won't see him until after dinner cause Lizze and her mom are picking the boys up from school because they have a visit today and they're celebrating Elliott's birthday. As I was adjusting…

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First things first, Happy Birthday Elliott

I want to start out by saying Happy Birthday to Elliott. He turned 14 today and I couldn't possibly be prouder of the young man he's becoming. The plan for today is get the boys to school and go walking. I have a meeting at 11am and that should last about an hour. I have to pick Emmett up early and get him to Akron Children's Hospital for a follow-up. Lizze and her mom will be picking up the other 2 kids because it's Wednesday and they have a visit this afternoon. I will drop Emmett off on our way home. They're celebrating Elliott's birthday, so I'll celebrate it later this week. It sucks that we have to do things this way but it's okay. I have Elliott everyday and…