I have few ideas

Everyone needs a distraction from the reality that every single human being has found themselves in right now. Things are getting scary and they're going to get worse before they get better. At least that what the experts say. It really is scary and as I'm writing, my brain is playing out a thousand different scenarios and how I will respond to each one of them. What I thought I would do is really focus more on writing and recording. That will serve a dual purpose. First of all, it's therapeutic for me. Secondly, perhaps reading about how someone else is coping with this craziness, can serve as a distraction for others or at least a reminder that they aren't alone. We all feel lost and uncertain right now because…


We survived our 1st day of lockdown

Today was our first offical day of lockdown. More cases of COVID19 are popping up around us and we need be very, very careful, especially for Gavin's sake. Today has proven to be very challenging. The kids were pretty wound up and understandably so. Unfortunately, that's driving me a bit crazy and by a bit crazy, I mean they're driving me nuts. In order to not lose my mind and be a halfway decent Dad, I'm trying to keep us occupied. Distraction is a necessary tool when raising kids on the spectrum and luckily I'm quite experienced in this area. I've tried to keep everyone busy and keep their minds on things other than the frightening pandemic. The boys new mattresses came in and we were able to get those…


Just a quick update

Everyone is going a little stir crazy right now. We've had the flu in our house for the last week or so and haven't really left the house. Now we're looking at the more and more cases popping up in Ohio, so we have no plans to venture anywhere for the time being. Elliott and Emmett got their new mattresses today. We got them setup already and they seem to really like them. I ended up going with Casper. I'm hoping this encourages Emmett to return to his own bed at night. Gavin's doing well and for that I'm incredibly grateful. I heard from the school this morning and they have prepared what they call Blizzard Bags. Apparently, this is supposed to keep the kids learning while school is shutdown.…


School has been shutdown and that’s a good thing

We just got word that school will be closed until at least through the first week in April, by order of the governor. Apparently, they're still holding classes tomorrow and will be closed beginning Monday. The boys won't be going in the morning because they've been home all week with the flu. I'm glad they're shutting everything down and I can't imagine how they will reopen in 3 weeks when things will likely be exponentially worse than they are currently. I foresee the year being written off but I don't know what complications that will bring either. Maybe now would be a good time to switch to year round school. The kids are doing okay. We know we won't be leaving the house for awhile. We know that we won't…


It’s getting scary: 4th confirmed #COVID19 case in Ohio is within 1 mile of my house

I've been very preoccupied today and haven't had much time to catch my breath, let alone get any writing done. We're as prepared for this pandemic as we're going to be. I have a few things like paper towels and cat food showing up on Thursday. I also have new trash cans ordered as well because someone stole our trash cans. To be more precise, they stole 4 of our 6 trash cans. That's kinda frustrating and trash cans are expensive. I have everyone's medication refills current and with the exception of Gavin, we should be good for the next 30 days. I found out this afternoon that a 4th case of COVID19 was confirmed in Ohio. I was prepared for more cases to be confirmed in my state because…

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Almost everyone in my house is now sick

I'm gonna make this quick because I'm tired, my head is pounding and I need to get some sleep. I'll start with the good news. Gavin seems to be doing great. He's not showing any signs of the flu and that's a really good thing. The bad news is that I'm now sick and the boys seem to be on this roller coaster of feeling better and feeling worse. Assuming I get paid tonight, I'm going to order some additional supplies and go grocery shopping. I've already got a cart-full on Amazon and I've filled my Giant Eagle online shopping cart as well. I'm having the groceries delivered to my front porch so I don't have to worry about going out while I'm sick. Surprisingly, it only seems to cost…

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Elliott was seen by @akronchildrens hospital today

It's been a long day and I'm definitely tired, but I'll begin at well, the beginning. Elliott and Emmett were both home from school today. Elliott has been sick since Thursday night and Emmett's been sick since Saturday. Gavin is currently doing great but I think I'm getting sick as well. I've started with a cough today and I'm feeling rundown. No, I didn't buy masks. This was given to him because of his cough. There was some minor concern because we traveled and spent time in places where COVID19 has been confirmed. Exactly 2 weeks after we arrived home, Elliott spiked a fever. I called Akron Children's Hospital this morning because he had a well check scheduled for today. They decided to change the appointment to a sick appointment…


Two of my three kids are sick and I’m slowly but surely losing my mind

My kids are being everything but cooperative today. They don't like changing from routine and I'm asking them to do that in order to better prepare for whatever COVID19 is going to throw our way. We need to make changes in order to help prevent any kind of illness from taking hold in our house because Gavin has a compromised immune system. I'm really stressed out and trying to gain control over the chaos but the kids just aren't having it. Truthfully, neither of them will or at least shouldn't be going to school in the morning. Elliott's been running a high fever all weekend, with a headache, cough and congestion. Emmett started with a cough last night. I don't know what else to do but keep them home. So…

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