A Major Decision Has Been Made

It's been a minute since I've felt like writing and I wanted to get back to it while I had a chance. There is a pretty major update that I need to share and just a few other little housekeeping type things as well. First and most importantly, a decision has been made in regards to the boys education moving forward, at least until such time that a working COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and we've established some herd immunity. Lizze and I have been talking about this quite a bit, in consultation with their therapist and we've decided that the boys will be homeschooled in the Fall. This wasn't an easy decision for a number of reasons but it's without a doubt, the safest thing we can do. Their…


I feel like we kicked ass today

The boys and I have had a pretty decent day.  Actually, I'm going to promote the day from decent to pretty darn good. Nothing particularly eventful took place but I'm really proud of my boys because they demonstrated a shitload of teamwork today. Part of Gavin's new bedset came in over the weekend. His actual mattress is coming early as well and will be here on Wednesday. I wanted to get his old mattress, boxspring and frame out to the trash today. Someone will come and scrap the frame before morning. Anyway, everyone helped haul things down to the first floor. I took most of it out by myself because I live in a neighborhood full of covidiots and I need to be extra careful. I was able to get…


An Open Letter To Everyone Not #SocialDistancing or Wearing A Mask

For those sleeping under a rock, we're in the middle of a pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic to be more specific. We're not even in the middle yet because we're not even through the first wave. We are currently living through the worst public health crisis in the last century. This has to be taken seriously. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I know I'm going to piss some people off but frankly, I don't care. I'm not here to make you feel good. We need to have a serious conversation about social, and personal responsibilities. I've been on complete lockdown with my 3 autistic kids for 80 days now. My oldest is immunocompromised and we have to be extremely careful. We're also doing our part to protect you…


My kids are home and the transition has been rough

The kids came home after 2 days and they are a little worse for wear. Fun was had by all but they know it's going to be awhile before they can go back. We're hoping July will work. Lizze won't be in a position to quarantine for 14 days for awhile due to upcoming doctors appointments for her and the people in her house. I get it. Some of these appointments can't be missed and also, can't be done via Zoom. Anyway, the boys have had a good day, but they're grouchy and irritable. The transition has been a bit challenging but we're tomorrow's a new day. I'm so happy that Lizze got to see the kids and vice versa. I'm so grateful they all had this chance. I don't…


What I did without my kids for 2 days

I had fully intended on writing while the kids were gone but I just shutdown instead. I haven't had any semblance of a break in 75 days. I thought I would make up for that by updating everyone as to how the break went. The boys will be home in the morning. I will be picking them up at 10am. While they were gone, I managed to accomplish most of my goals. I got the carpets scrubbed, some work done and got some things ordered for the kids. There was something else I accomplished but I can't for the life of me remember what that was.. 😔 Oh, I remember. I washed and waxed the car. I've been taking it through the drive thru car wash all winter but finally…

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Trying to safely manage parent visitation during the #COVID19 pandemic

The boys are getting incredibly anxious about seeing their mom tomorrow. It's been about 2.5 months since they've seen her in person. This has been by design and out of necessity because of the COVID19 pandemic. Lizze and I discussed this when we first went on lockdown and we agreed that the safety of the kids had to come first. Gavin is immunocompromised and there are people in her house who are at high risk as well. We needed to protect those who cannot protect themselves. This isn't her being an absent parent or me withholding the kids. We chose this particular path because we believe it's ultimately in the kids best interest. We didn't start this sooner because for it to work, everyone in the house must remain quarantined…


I have mixed feelings about this

Today is the last day of self-quarantine before the kids get to spend some time with their mom. Assuming all goes well today, the boys will spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning with their mom and grandparents. I have mixed feelings about this and I wouldn't be honest if I said otherwise.. I've kept the kids safe for 74 days and the idea of changing what we're doing right now is scary. I'm thrilled they get to spend time with their mom. I thrilled for them and her because I know how important this is. I worry because we have no idea when the next time will be and it's going to be great while they're there but very difficult when it's time to leave. I'm really hoping the kids…


A strange thing has been happening

A strange thing has been happening for the last few days. I've been going to bed a bit earlier, with the help of melatonin and getting up at the crack of dawn, without setting an alarm. I know I expressed reservations about taking something to help me sleep but I don't really have another choice at this point. I need to sleep. It's roughly 6:30am and I've already been up for almost an hour. Not only that, but I feel pretty good. I'm working on getting the kids in bed before 10pm because it's obviously best for them but also, it's the only way I get any sleep myself. I really, really want to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. It's healthier and if I'm up before everyone…