If my sensory sensitive kids with #Autism can wear a mask, WTF is your excuse?

I know I'm not writing nearly as often as I normally do and the truth is, depression is really kicking my ass. I'm still functional but definitely struggling. As of today, we've been on lockdown for 98 straight days. As you can probably imagine, it's running a bit long in the tooth at this point. Unfortunately, there simply isn't any other options. With Gavin being immunocompromised, there literally isn't another way to keep him safe. We're in this for the long haul and that's likely to be awhile. I've been hearing from readers both here and on social media, that their husband, wife, daughter, son or other loved one is immunocompromised as well and they're in the exact same boat. While my heart goes out to all the other families…


I’m really grateful for today

The boys and I had a pretty good day. I didn't sleep well last night, again but I made it through the day. One of the things on our to do list today was getting everyone out for some exercise. Gavin was very resistant because he's afraid of getting sick. The path we took almost never has anyone but bikers. Even if they're not wearing a mask, they blow by so quickly, there's no contact. We ended up having to walk by one person and we wore our masks because it's the right thing to do. The rest of the time we were able to breathe fresh air. We had a great time and even took Ruby along with us. Gavin did awesome and felt much better about going. It's…


We snuck out for a bit today

We had a pretty good day today. I didn't sleep well last night and my kids were kind enough to let me sleep this morning. I very much appreciate that. The only thing on the agenda for today was getting some exercise in. Elliott has been chomping at the bit to go walking. Thankfully, we were able to get out for a little while. We went on a short hike and while there were other people present in the park, we didn't come into contact with anyone. Right now, no contact is a very good thing. Gavin is just out of frame. I didn't take many pictures today because I wanted to enjoy the time without a screen. Yes, we had our masks. When we are not around anyone, we…

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Helping my family stay connected during this trying time

So I figured out a way to stay better connected with my family while on lockdown. We've tried Zoom and Hangouts but it was a bit clunky and frustrated the kids. Last week I ordered a Facebook Portal Camera for our TV. I'm not a fan of Facebook and under different circumstances, I wouldn't be doing this. That said, it's proven to be really amazing for everyone. The boys are able to use this with their mom to help them feel like they're in the same room. They can play games, read stories and apparently, even watch movies together. We haven't figured that part out just yet though. The camera sits on top or in front of the TV My hope was to help keep everyone connected in a way…


Who wouldn’t be overwhelmed by all of this?

It's been a seriously shitty few days for a number of reasons and I've just lost interest in writing. There isn't one particular thing that's to blame but rather a multitude of things, most of which are outside of my control. It goes without saying the this country is in total chaos. I completely support the protesters and the Black Lives Matter movement. If I were able, I would be marching right along with everyone else. It's heartbreaking to see everything that's going on and it makes me so angry to see those in power, doing nothing, or even worse, standing in the way of addressing police brutality and the systemic racism that's festering in this country.  I'm disgusted by the Republican party and absolutely despise Trump and all he…


It’s been a stressful day

It's been a pretty stressful day. We had a decent sized graduation party next door, where no one was wearing a mask or social distancing. Personally, I find that incredibly selfish and immensely frustrating. That being said, it could have been much worse. It was pretty low key and relatively quiet. Normally, it's very loud and obnoxious over there. I'm very grateful it wasn't any worse than it was.. I spent a large part of the day scrubbing carpets. Ruby has been peeing in the boys room, probably because she's stressed out. It's small enough that you don't notice it until it happens enough that the smell catches your attention. The carpet on the second floor is at least 50 years old and in awful condition. Scrubbing it really doesn't…


Frustrating and Dangerous

I'm really not looking forward to today because my covidiot neighbors are throwing a graduation party. There's maybe 30 feet between our houses. Historically, their parties are big, loud and 100 proof. This just isn't safe and I don't understand why people put themselves and everyone around them in danger. This is a bit worrisome right now because we're in such close proximity, and it's going to be stressful, especially for Gavin. His window overlooks where the party is taking place and there's no way to take his attention away from it. As I'm writing this, he just walked into my room, telling me that he thinks the neighbors are having a party. I told him that I think he's right and he simply replied, oh hell no. 😂 The…


I’m not even sure what to say anymore

I've been struggling today and I'm not entirely sure why. Recently, I've been in a pretty good place because everyone is safe, healthy and doing as well as can be expected. Work is going really well and I even have a new partnership I'm finalizing. These are all good things. The world around us is imploding and there are protests within about a mile of my house. I've been extra anxious, overwhelmed and on edge recently. Gavin had some issues with his IVIG Infusion that caused some drama for everyone in the house and that sorta set the tone for me. That was only one incident and I should have been able to shake that off, but things just seem to snowball from there. We're quickly approaching the 3 month…