I’m so tired of people not thinking about the impact their actions have on others

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday weekend. I'm exhausted and going to bed but I wanted to share with you all how our weekend went. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably already have already see this. Rather than go through the crazy story all over again, I though I would just embed the Twitter thread that explains everything. I'm also embed 2 YouTube videos as well. This was shot from my living room. We've not had a good weekend and this week is going to be full of challenges that I neither need or planned on. Here you go. Here's everything in a single thread. It was like a literal warzone in front of my house last night. The #fireworks were unbelievable. The YouTube clip below…


I had one of my award winning parenting fails today

I had one of my award winning parenting fails today and I'm not thrilled with myself. Essentially, I lost my patience with Gavin. It's more that I lost my patience with some of his behaviors, more specifically, the way he was reacting to things. For whatever reason, Gavin frightens very easily and when he's startled he screams at the top of his lungs. This is a newer behavior and I think it's been since lockdown. Anyway, one of the things that happens alot now is he startles from the most benign things and reacts in a way that's so over the top. It screams drama and doesn't feel genuine. That doesn't mean that it isn't genuine, it just feels like drama. I fully understand that kids on the spectrum can…

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Christmas Eve level excitement for the next week

Sleep last night was pretty shitty. I think I squeezed in about 3 or 4 hours of restless sleep before giving up. Poor Elliott is struggling to sleep as well. Sleep can be a fickle beast to tame and with everything going on right now, it's even....fickler? More fickle? I don't know, but you get the point. I think part of Elliott's problem is that he so anxious about seeing his mom next week. It's going to be like Christmas Eve level excitement for the next week or so. It's going to make the next seven or eight days a bit more challenging but it's totally understandable. I have no interview today, as it's been rescheduled, so I'll be able to focus on prepping for tomorrow's interview instead. A quiet…


Making arrangements for the kids to see their mom

I'm moving around much slower than I normally do because I'm much more sore from yesterday's fall than I thought I would be. That said, I slept well and have been relatively active all day. Elliott slept in pretty late because he didn't fall asleep until 6 AM this morning. I didn't know he was up all night and I wish I had because I would have tried to help him. Emmett and I spent some time throwing the football around before breakfast. It's gorgeous outside but it's also crazy hot. I was supposed to have interviews the rest of the week but 2/3 ended up with a conflict and they needed to reschedule for next week. I'm okay with that because it slows my day down and let's me…


In my world, disrupting routine is an absolute no no

It was a relatively quiet day. The biggest thing we had to worry about were deliveries of supplies to the house. I mentioned eariler that I was organizing the pantry and putting things back where they belong. That made putting new things away, so much easier. Over time, things get put back incorrectly or weren't put back at all. I wanted to get our supplies sorted out because I want to order only what we need and not what we don't. The boys both had appointments today with Akron Children's Hospital. This was via video and were simply medication checks. All things the same, they're both doing pretty well. There aren't any changes to anything and it wouldn't be worth mentioning aside from the fact that both of them participated…


I’m hoping for a good day

I was asleep by 11pm and up before 8am this morning. I feel pretty good and I'm looking forward to taking on the day. Gavin was up before I was but I beat everyone else. I got the trash cans put away and watered our mint garden. Ruby spent some time outside with me while I was taking care of these things. She's now taking a nap on the couch while I catchup on the news. I don't like watching the news when the kids are around because the outlook for humanity is rather dire at the moment. Since the kids are asleep, I can get some face time with the news, so I'm able to make more informed decisions. We're expecting some supplies today and I'm organizing our pantry…


There was drama but we recovered

Today was a sort of a mixed bag for the boys and I. We got off to a great start in the morning but then there was a shit ton of drama surrounding Gavin's IVIG Infusion. He's becoming paranoid when it comes to this and won't leave the needles alone after they're placed. He fiddles with them and when they show the slightest sign that they might be leaking, he shuts everything down, pulls the needles and re-sticks himself. That in and of itself isn't a major issue. The problem is that the needles are supposed to be sterile and when he sticks himself multiple times, the risk of infection increases. We had a nice long, dramatic discussion about this and he gets so upset because he thinks he's causing…


I finally got a good nights sleep

I managed a decent night's sleep and I'm so grateful for that. I'm not entirely sure what I did differently but I feel much more recharged today than I have in a long while. Fitbit even liked it. I'm a pretty good start to the day and while there were some issues with Gavin and his infusion, I kept my cool and was patient. Sleep is so important and I would really like to make sure that I get many more night like this because I need it to be better for my kids and myself.