2020 hasn’t been all bad and here’s proof

2020 has been a nightmare for most humans, especially those living here, in the US. If you've been following me or reading this website for any length of time, you probably know that I try to focus on the positive. It's not always easy and I don't always do a good job. That said, I thought I would list a few things I'm thankful for because I forgot to do that over Thanksgiving. I know. Shame on me but better late than never. :-) There are number of things I'm thankful for, even during COVID. I'm just going to focus on a few of the bigger ones cause there's too many little ones to mention. The 2020 Trip I'm so thankful that right before what would turn out to be…


It’s been the longest week ever and it’s not done yet

It's been a long week but we've survived thus far. I spent as much time as possible working because November wasn't very profitable and extra work is necessary to survive December. Thankfully, I've had a few deals come in but I need more to come in to weather the remainder of 2020. The boys have finished the school week on a good note and Emmett has even been making progress on make-up work. I'm quite proud of him. My day was spent staring at this screen, trying to finish up the remaining episodes of this season. I've mentioned before that I'm cutting the season off at 40 episodes, which is still pretty impressive. There's so much work that goes into each episode and I'm only one person. I'm quite proud…


Ode to remote learning

It's been one of those week where I'm just grateful to have surviving The kids have been on edge because 2020 just seems to drag on and on and on. Remote learning is still challenging, although, Emmett is making a serious effort to get his work caught up and I'm super proud of him. We have another week or two before Christmas break. I need to actually check and see what the exact dates are because it's not in the calendar. It's no secret I hate, and I mean I hate remote learning. The teachers are amazing but the remote experience itself is lacking. I don't miss some of the headaches associated with a typical school year, like school fundraising, packing lunches, or uniforms. I do miss dropping the kids…


Update on Gavin’s fever

I know I promised this yesterday but life has been absolutely crazy. I'm having to swim a bit harder to keep my head above water. So, I apologize for the delay. I shared the other night that Gavin was running a low grade fever, at least what a low grade fever is for him. He's not showing any other symptoms at all. His fever climbed a little bit that night and then dropped back down a little by morning. Later in the day, he was back up to 99.5°F, which again, is warm for him personally. I'm not sure what is going on but Lizze and I have been talking about it and it could just be one of those weird Gavin things. For the record, this photo is pre-covid.…


Maybe someday

This is going to be an odd post but bare with me. I very much do not like our house or the neighborhood we live in. If I could, I would find one of those we buy ugly houses like at this website and get out from underneath it. For years we've been talking about moving but have never been able to make that work for a number of reasons. Ideally, I would love to design and build, rather than buy. You may not know this but I have a lot of experience in building houses. When I was still working outside of the home, I ran a contracting company that worked for the largest home builder on the east coast. I did all kinds of work on new construction.…

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Holiday Gift Guide 2020

Welcome to my gift guide for Christmas/Holiday 2020. Below is my slowly evolving list of recommendations for your Christmas/Holiday shopping list this year. These items are from multiple categories and not only make great gifts but can also improve the lives of autism or special needs families like mine. My family has used everything in this list and I feel quite comfortable sharing these suggestions with all of you. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. More items to come as I get a chance to add them. Safe Place Bedding One of the coolest things I've seen for kiddos in the autism spectrum this year is Safe Place Bedding. This is an inflatable space for your child to sleep. It's like a tent that helps kids feel…


So Gavin started running a low grade fever tonight

It's been a really challenging day for about a million reasons. I was going to touch on some of those reasons but yet another issue has made itself known and this is going to be the priority until I know otherwise. Gavin is running what is a low grade fever for him. He's very much like his mother in the sense that they usually run a bit low and almost never run a fever. Lizze was notorious for having really bad strep throat but never running a fever. Gavin's always been very similar. Elliott noticed that Gavin's ears were bright red and became concerned. I'm not worried about his ears being red but to help put his concerns to rest and that of Gavin's because Elliott said something to him,…


I introduced my kids to ping pong to this week

The other day I received a package from Pro-Spin Sports. Inside the box I found a Play Anywhere Portable Table Tennis Set (2-Player) set. Basically, it turns most tables into a playable ping pong table. https://youtu.be/o2j22RxKW9s We've never had a ping pong set in my house before and I wasn't entirely sure how this was going to go. I don't think I've played ping pong since college and even then I wasn't very good at it. I was a little concerned about my kids getting frustrated because this game can be a bit challenging. Having said that, in the last few days, Emmett and I have literally played dozens of matches. Turns out he's played before at his grandparents house but just didn't know the rules. We spent a few…