I’m so unbelievably grateful and here’s why

Huge thanks to CKP Heating & Cooling, LLC for working with me today. Our furnace went down and we've been on lockdown for 281 days because my son is #immunocompromised and #COVID is deadly serious. Jake came out, wore a mask the entire time and talked to me via phone so we didn't have to have direct contact. He never came up to the first floor at first. An issue arose after he left and I called him for help. He stopped by on his way home. This time he had to access our Nest thermostat, which was on the first floor. I left the door unlocked for him. He came in, found the issue in the furnace itself and fixed it. He again wore a mask the entire time.…

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I’m really nervous about this

By the time you read this, we will likely be on the other side of this particular situation. In the morning, we have someone coming to service our furnace. Something is very wrong with it and it needs to get done or we won't have any heat. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal but since COVID, nothing is not a big deal anymore. I reached out to some medical experts I know to figure out the safest approach to having this done. After chatting for a little bit, it was concluded that assuming they actually wear a mask like I was promised they would, and we stay as far away as we can, while wearing our own masks, the risk should be low. The current plan is to have…


It was a really nice surprise

The boys got off to a mixed start today. Elliott fell back asleep while I was working with Emmett and missed the first 10 minutes of class. That's a bit frustrating for me but he's back on track and that's what I'm going to focus on right now. While Emmett was in between classes, he used his down time to surprise me with a cup of hot chocolate. I was working and he thought he would do something nice for me. It was a sweet gesture and I'm still smiling from it. ☺


I want to talk to you about my #depression

It has occurred to me that I haven't talked about my depression much lately. I talk about to people who reach out offline quite a bit and I sometimes forget to do that here as well. One of the reasons this occurred to me is because I noticed today that I'm struggling a little more than I have been in regards to managing my depression. I think everyone deals with life differently and depression hits people in different ways as well. We're all different and that's okay. For me personally, I know depression is once again gaining a foothold in my life when I begin worrying about dying. It's not easy for me to admit that because there's only a few people in my life that are aware of this…


It’s been a bizarre morning so far

It's been a bizarre day and it's not even noon. So, I'm getting some work down while the boys are in class and I'm waiting for the groceries to arrive. I get this text message from Emmett telling me to check out empshield.com. I thought this is totally random and but I checked it out and it's pretty self-explanatory. They deal in EMP shielding. I asked Emmett why he was sending that to me. There's a little backstory here. A couple of weeks ago, while heading out to go hiking, we were talking about how to use a compass. The idea was safety related, since we were going hiking. We ended up on the topic of the Earth's magnetic poles. Elliott decides to add to the mix that it's believed…


The furnace, Chromebook and podcast studio all broke down and it’s only Tuesday

What's up folks. Hope you're this finds you doing well. It's been a day of challenges here. I wanted to run over just few of them and help provide some context to what's going on in The Autism Dad household. I also want to balance things out with some really positive things happening as well. It's been one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right and what really worries me is that it's only Tuesday. So I had my last scheduled interview yesterday and it was highlighting a really cool business that's doing awesome things for the autism community. Everything was going great and Emmett didn't even make an appearance. At some point, I happen to look over at my mixer and noticed that it had stopped recording…


I needed stitches but #COVID kept me from going to the ER

The boys have school in the morning and I have my last recording of the year scheduled in the afternoon. I'm not sure if that will be tacked onto season 3 or be the first episode of season 4. Decisions decisions. I think it's going to be a relatively slow week. We have groceries ordered and scheduled for delivery on Tuesday and Wednesday. They're from different places and have different schedules. I'm weird about groceries. I like Walmart for most things but prefer Giant Eagle for meat and produce. In the advent of COVID, grocery shopping can amount to multiple deliveries. There are going to be big steps forward in my divorce this week. The progress is good because it's one big step closer to gaining some needed closure for…


This is how I know I let my kids down and it breaks my heart

I've been under a tremendous amount of pressure this year. I was getting my footing as a single Dad when COVID hit and our lives were once again turned upside down. I'm honestly doing the best I can but I was recently reminded that I need to do better. This story involves Emmett in particular but I'm sure it applies to Elliott and Gavin to some extent as well. Emmett is the absolute sweetest kid. He's going through a rough time but he's always worried about me. Ever since Lizze moved out, he's constantly asking me if I'm okay. Becoming a single parent is not an easy adjustment and while I do my best to manage the emotions and stress, it doesn't always go so well. I've been stressed out…